November Army DACM Office Hot Topics

By November 13, 2014May 24th, 2024DACM Office Hot Topics
U.S. Army DACM Hot Topics

Hot Topic #1: 2015 University of Tennessee (UT) Aerospace and Defense MBA (ADMBA) Program

The U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) Army Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office is pleased to announce the 2015 University of Tennessee (UT) Aerospace and Defense MBA (ADMBA) Program. This program offers an opportunity for eligible Army Acquisition Workforce members to complete coursework toward a master’s degree during duty time. The program covers tuition costs including book fees and travel expenses. The application window closes Dec. 1, 2014.

Eligible applicants include GS 14-15 civilians (or broadband equivalent) and O5-O6 military. High-performing GS-13s and O4s may be considered by exception. NOTE: Acquisition workforce members who already have a masters degree in a business or acquisition related field, will not be considered. Applicants must also have met certification requirements.

Unlike other programs, ADMBA provides sponsoring organizations an opportunity to send their own star employees to study and learn alongside rising stars from customer and supplier organizations. The ADMBA program is a unique setting, fostering an unrivalled growth and networking opportunity. We cannot overemphasize the value of this student-to-student learning and strategic relationship development.

UT’s ADMBA is tailored to serve the professional development needs of rising leaders in the defense acquisition community. The program’s unique design allows participants to complete the degree in one year while continuing to serve in their current assignment. Many of the readings and lessons come straight out of the defense industry. This program teaches business skills that ADMBA students will use to improve Army business practices and Soldier support in their current positions and in all assignments that will follow. In this way, the ADMBA delivers strong dividends for the Army, the student, and the supporting unit.

A centralized selection board will select candidates from the applicants for the ADMBA. It will then forward the results of the selection board Lt. Gen. Michael E. Williamson, Army DACM, for final selection in mid-December.

All nominations must be submitted by the applicant’s organization. For additional information on how to apply, please contact your organizational acquisition points of contact or Acquisition Career Management Advocate.

Hot Topic #2: Army DACM on Talent Management

Lt. Gen. Williamson discusses his approach to talent management in his first Workforce Minute video, a series of short, informative videos produced periodically by USAASC to provide relevant, career-related news for the Army Acquisition Workforce. His approach includes “several initiatives to help our leaders identify and develop talent” within the Army acquisition workforce. Learn more and watch the video.

‘Army DACM Office Hot Topics’ is brought to you by the USAASC Acquisition, Education and Training Branch to help Army acquisition professionals stay on top of career information with timely updates including training opportunities, current program offerings and what’s on the horizon.

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