By Steve Stark
FORT BELVOIR, Va. – Twenty-five winners of the 2013 Army Acquisition Awards and the Secretary of the Army Awards for Excellence in Contracting were honored Nov. 13 by the Hon. Heidi Shyu, the assistant secretary of the Army (acquisition, logistics and technology) (ASA(AL&T) and Army acquisition executive, Lt. Gen. William Phillips, principal military deputy to the ASA(AL&T), Harry Hallock, deputy assistant secretary of the Army (DASA) for procurement, and Wimpy Pybus, DASA for Acquisition Policy and Logistics at a small ceremony November 13 at the Pentagon.
“These awards recognize our very best and acknowledge our superior, dynamic and dedicated professionals. Our central mission is to equip Soldiers so they can execute their mission quickly and successfully and return home safe. That’s our priority,” said Shyu of the acquisition awards.
“It is a privilege to witness the outstanding work of our acquisition and contracting professionals and the work they do to support our warfighters. Today, we celebrate the achievements of our most outstanding employees and recognize them for their hard work,” she added.
This is the 37th year for the Army Acquisition Awards, which recognize individuals and teams within the U.S. Army acquisition community as “exceptional” among their peers for their skill, efficiency, and dedication. The Secretary of the Army Awards for Excellence in Contracting are presented annually to recognize individuals, teams, and organizations for their outstanding performance, dedication and professionalism in executing the contracting mission worldwide. This was the first year both the acquisition and contracting awards were presented together.
For the 23 award categories, 228 nominations were considered and a total of 25 U.S. Army awards were presented. Winners were tied in two categories.
Also new this year was the presentation of the first-ever Secretary of Defense Product Support Manager award honoring Army civilian, Brian Sharkey, Project Manager of Project Manager Maneuver Ammunition Systems (PM MAS).
“Much of the work that the Acquisition Workforce does goes under the radar. These awards give us a chance to shine a bright light on the excellence, professionalism and ingenuity that we all know happens every day in Army Acquisition,” said Col. Wil Riggins, deputy director of the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center and master of ceremonies for the event.
Continuous Performance Improvement
Winner: Streamlining Special Operations Forces Program Management, Lean Six Sigma Project Team, Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation (PEO STRI)
Team Members:
Lt. Col. Richard Haggerty, Black Belt Candidate
John Kirch, PEO STRI Deployment Director
Christopher Rozycki, PEO STRI Master Black Belt
Fran Fierko, Project Sponsor
James Golden, Resource Manager
Maj. Thomas Monaghan, Black Belt Candidate
Brian Serra, Contracting
Sam Walsh, Finance
Jennifer Schneider, Logistics
The Black Belt project “Streamlining Special Operations Forces” (SOF) addressed the challenges and inefficiencies within the Product Manager for SOF Training Systems (PM STS), PEO STRI. The approach to improving this process was to use the principles and practices of Lean Six Sigma, as learned in the Army Black Belt program of instruction, and to apply this knowledge to streamline the acquisition process within PM STS.
Through the identification of non-value added activities within the STS process and the implementation of multiple indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contracting vehicles, PM STS was able to reduce the average contracting cycle time from the 102 day standard to 52 days. This process efficiency also allows PM STS to attract an additional $15 million per year in customer-funded requirements, resulting in nearly $83 million in additional capacity, while providing $820,000 in cost avoidance over the course of FY13-FY18.
Noncommissioned Officer Award for Contracting Excellence (Tie)
Winners: Sgt. 1st Class Tracy A. Drowne, PEO STRI, and Master Sgt. Andrea Dailey, Mission & Installation Contracting Command-Fort Hood
Sgt. 1st Class Tracy A. Drowne excelled as the only contracting NCO in the U.S. Army to issue and negotiate modifications to Warfighter FOCUS, a performance-based contract valued at more than $11.2 billion, the largest ever at PEO STRI. She was directly responsible for 17 actions under this contract, valued at more than $111.4 million. Sgt. 1st Class Drowne directly supported multinational training objectives in Afghanistan where she assisted with the fulfillment of the Afghanistan National Security Force training, consisting of 175,000 Afghan soldiers. During FY13, she obtained her Level III certification in contracting. In addition, she is enrolled in an MBA program and maintaining a 3.5 grade point average.
Master Sgt. Andrea Dailey’s actions led directly to the success of the Joint Contracting Readiness Exercise(JCRX) – 13; the establishment of a Contracting Ready Team to support Army North; pre-deployment training of warfighters; and the enhancement of the Army Contracting Command’s Proficiency Guide for Contracting Leaders. During JCRX 13, the largest joint contracting pre-deployment exercise, Dailey ensured that more than 1,200 contracting master scenario exercise lists were injected to more than 18 regional contracting centers with a total of 198 Army, Marine, National Guard and Reserve contracting officers and NCOs from more than 50 U.S. and overseas locations. She single-handedly prepared more than 90 contracting packets and developed, managed and executed over 100 scripted scenarios for a multitude of role players to ensure a consistent, realistic, and challenging exercise.
Director, Acquisition Career Management Award
Winner: Mr. Robert T. Kowalski, PEO Ammunition, Project Manager Maneuver Ammunition Systems (PM MAS)
Throughout his 32 years of Army service, Kowalski led the program management and engineering teams that fielded the Army’s top tank and artillery munitions. As an acquisition manager, he has consistently delivered solutions and crafted portfolio strategies that balance program risk, cost, contractor performance and industrial base considerations. In 2005, Kowalski created the pathway and was the first to use Small Business Authority (SBA) teaming to consolidate 28 40mm contracts into two, creating the largest SBA award in Army history. Another achievement was his initiation and leadership of the program that resulted in fielding a new general purpose bullet, the 5.56mm M855A 1 Enhanced Performance Round, the first significant improvement to this key munition in 30 years, which eliminated 2000 tons of lead per year from Army ranges.
In FY13, in support of Better Buying Power 2.0, Kowalski identified over $233 million in funds captured from lower costs for the Lake City Army Ammo Plant competition that the Army is now considering how to use for higher priority needs. He did this while carefully balancing operational requirements, industrial base needs and inventories. Kowalski’s steady, commonsense application of proven management and problem-solving tools resulted in the reliable delivery of up to 2.1 billion rounds of ammunition per year to our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and coalition forces while achieving remarkable results in maturing the capabilities of suppliers, crafting smart acquisition initiatives and solving tough issues.
Project Manager of the Year
Winner: Col. Patrick Mason, Technology Applications Program Office, U.S. Army Special Operations Aviation Command
Col. Patrick Mason has delivered results across the spectrum of acquisition—from technology development through sustainment and divestiture. He has demonstrated the ability of small dedicated teams to execute rapidly, with precision, and provide innovative capability, novel sustainment support, and critical services to our combat forces. His team rapidly accelerated a flight controls modification for the MH-47G that has undoubtedly saved the lives of crews operating in degraded environments. In addition, he also achieved initial operational capability for the MH-60M, on schedule.
Acquisition Director of the Year at the Colonel level
Winner: Col. James Winbush Jr., White Sands Test Center, U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC)
Col. James Winbush Jr.’s performance leading the White Sands Test Center (WSTC) has been exemplary during one of the most demanding and fiscally challenging times the Army has faced. WSTC provides Army, Navy, Air Force, DOD, allied nations, and other customers with high quality services for test, research, assessment, development, training and experimentation in support of the Nation at war and many high profile major defense acquisition programs.
Winbush is an exceptional leader who led the White Sands Test Center with distinction, providing high quality services for test, research, assessment, development, training and experimentation. Some 1,500 engineers, scientists, technicians and information technologists support his operations. To unify these operations, Colonel Winbush established the “Army Profession” program. This program established the standard for Army Test and Evaluation Command and has been touted as one of the top two implementation programs in the Army.
Product Manager of the Year
Winner: Lt. Col. Steven Clark, Product Manager, MH-60 SOF Aircraft, U.S. Special Operations Aviation Command
Tasked with fielding the MH-60M to a force that has remained constantly deployed since 2001, Lt. Col. Steven Clark had to precisely execute a complex test, production, fielding, turn-in and harvest program to ensure the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) could continue to deploy combat power worldwide in support of high priority missions.
Clark was further challenged by having no operational replacement aircraft; therefore, combat capability would be standing down as new MH-60M aircraft were fielded. Additionally, for legacy aircraft, he was responsible for turn-in and harvesting of special operations unique equipment. This equipment would then be used in the production line to reduce cost. Finally, the transition of legacy special operations flight training courses was tied to the block fielding schedule. Given manpower limitations, the old courses would terminate and switch to the MH-60M in a very short period. Faced with engineering, production and funding issues, he demonstrated an unparalleled ability to solve complex problems, innovate and bring unique solutions.
Acquisition Director of the Year at the Lieutenant Colonel Level
Winner: Lt. Col. Maria Schneider, Mission and Installation Contracting Command (MICC)
Lt. Col. Maria Schneider commands the MICC Fort Belvoir contracting office, a workforce of more than 100 acquisition personnel (military, civilian and contractors). Serving as the overall acquisition integration officer for the Arlington National Cemetery, Schneider identified and negotiated savings in excess of $16.5 million. Additionally, she is recognized for her leadership and team-building in a large and geographically dispersed workforce including Fort Belvoir, Fort AP Hill, and Joint Base Myer Henderson Hall; where the contracting missions are both high visibility and of the highest priority.
Logistician of the Year
Winner: Kenneth W. Virgil, U.S. Army Materiel Command Logistics Support Activity
Kenneith Virgil is recognized for leading the development and publication of the industry standards for product support analysis that provides a single, uniform, systems engineering approach to conducting the activities required to perform product support analysis throughout the materiel life cycle, resulting in large scale life-cycle cost savings to the government. He is a member of the Army Acquisition Corps and is credentialed in multiple acquisition areas to include Level III in life cycle logistics. The lasting impact of Virgil’s accomplishments are that the DoD and services now have a standard approach and implementation guidance to identify and tailor the analysis tasks, and contract for product support analysis and its resultant logistics product data required to develop and sustain all weapon systems throughout their materiel life cycle in a uniform manner. Materiel developers no longer need to develop different processes and procedures for each contract.
Acquisition Excellence Awards
Transforming the Way We Do Business Award
Winner: The CH47 Chinook Multiyear II (MY II) Evaluation Team, U.S. Army Contracting Command-Redstone
Team Members:
Lt. Col. Jeffrey Caldwell, Contracting Officer
Robin Hadlock, Senior Contract Specialist
Michael Allison, Contract Specialist
Georgia Walker, Contract Specialist
Jonathan Hitt, Contract Specialist
The team is recognized for their significant contributions that led to the successful negotiation of the Multiyear 2 program requirements for up to 215 CH-47F cargo helicopters, including advance procurement of required long lead items, implementation of engineering change proposals, and recapitalization of CH-47D aircraft components, all resulting in $810 million of cost savings.
Equipping and Sustaining Our Soldier’s Systems
Winner: Stryker Double-V Hull Army Test and Evaluation Integrated Program Team, U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Capability Manager, Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Program Manager Stryker Brigade Combat Team, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, U.S. Army Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center
Team Members:
LTC John K. Wilwerding, ATEC, initial ATEC System Team Chair
Robert E. McCown, ATEC, ATEC System Team Chair and Lead Evaluator
Angelo Christino, ATEC, Reliability and Maintainability Evaluator
David T. Zebron, ATEC, Ballistic Survivability Evaluator
Robert Thomas Harman, ATEC, Automotive Performance and Mobility Evaluator
Robert Barnas, ATEC, Nonballistic Survivability Evaluator
Grace Deng, ATEC Methodology and Analysis Evaluator
Casey Turner, ATEC Methodology and Analysis Evaluator
Paul Wallace, ATEC, Mortar Systems Evaluator
Shepherd “Kermit” Okamura, ATEC, Developmental Test Officer, Yuma Test Center
Wade Harvey, ATEC, Developmental Test Officer, Aberdeen Test Center
Kevin M. Mintzer, ATEC, Developmental Test Officer (Live Fire), Aberdeen Test Center
Michelle Hicks, ATEC, Developmental Test Officer (Live Fire), Aberdeen Test Center
Jim Smith, ATEC, Developmental Test Officer, Electronic Proving Ground
Alfredo Perez, ATEC, Developmental Test Officer, White Sands Missile Range
George Edward Knotts, ATEC, Developmental Test Manager
Charles Braungart, ATEC, Developmental Test Manager
Paula Hoak, ATEC, Developmental Test Manager
Jim Robinson, ATEC, Developmental Test Manager
Patty Jonez, ATEC, Mortars Test Officer, Yuma Test Center
Matt Reiss, ATEC, Instrumentation Engineer, Aberdeen Test Center
Tim Mallen, ATEC, Instrumentation Engineer, Aberdeen Test Center
Kevin L. Betz, ATEC, Live Fire Test Manager
Neil C. Jorgenson, ATEC, Operational Test Officer
Bruce F. Portz, ATEC, Operational Research Systems Analyst for Operational Testing
Cathy Miller, ATEC, Operational Research Systems Analyst for Operational Testing
Clifford Kummer, ATEC, Operational Research Systems Analyst for Operational Testing
Ryan Sunderman, ATEC, Operational Test Officer
George McNees3, ATEC, Operational Test Officer
George Schurr, TCM SBCT, TRADOC Capabilities Manager
Shelton Raine, PM SBCT, Program Manager Test and Evaluation Lead
Mark Reiter, AMSAA, Modeling and Simulation Engineer, Aberdeen Test Center
Peter Melick, AMSAA, Modeling and Simulation Officer, Aberdeen Test Center
Brian Narizzano, Analyst, ARDEC Firing Tables Division
Matt Schaffer, Analyst, ARDEC Firing Tables Division
Richard zum Brunnen, ARL-SLAD, Ballistic Survivability Analyst
David Hendrickson, ARL-HRED, Human Factors Engineering Analyst
The members of the Stryker Double-V Hull (DVH) Army Test and Evaluation (T&E) Integrated Product Team (IPT) demonstrated great initiative, creativity, and skill in designing and conducting streamlined test and evaluation efforts in support of rapid fielding of eight improved survivability Stryker combat vehicle variants to our Soldiers in Afghanistan. The T&E team successfully balanced the need to validate the capabilities and limitations of the new design with the demand to provide increased protection to our deployed Soldiers. They ensured the proposed double-V hull solution provided increased protection without sacrificing tactical mobility or the effectiveness of the equipment packages that enable the crews of each Stryker variant to accomplish their role on the battlefield.
Their rapid, focused test and evaluation program resulted in Soldiers receiving increased protection many months earlier than traditional test programs would have allowed, significantly reducing casualties from improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
Individual Sustained Achievement
Winner: Lt. Col. Raymond Morgan III, DCMA Lockheed Martin Sunnyvale Contract Management Office
Lt. Col. Raymond Morgan III led an organization of 125 personnel and was responsible for the administration of 168 contracts, valued at $63.5 billion. He consistently performed and delivered extraordinary results in support of the warfighter as a program integrator for the acquisition category (ACAT) I Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) program, as well as director of operations. Morgan directs the delivery of weapons systems and oversees the contractor performance, with a workforce of more than 7,000 personnel, to ensure the quality systems make it to the warfighters’ hands. As the THAAD program integrator, Morgan was responsible for the $9.6 billion ACAT I program. He led government team across 19 critical suppliers driving the on-time delivery of the two most advanced interceptors in the Army arsenal to maintain the perfect 14-in-a-row test record, making THAAD the most successful ballistic missile defense system produced by the MDA.
Information Enabled Army
Winner: USSOCOM Global Video Surveillance Activity (GVSA) Team, Program Executive Office-Special Operations Forces Warrior
Team Members:
David O’Nan, Project Manager, Global Video Surveillance Activity (Team Leader)
Lt. Col. Frank Moore, Asst. Program Mgr., Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance
Lt. Col. (S) Domenic Smeraglia, USAF, Asst. Project Manager, Global Video Surveillance Activity
Tyle Kanazawa, Assistant Project Manager, Global Video Surveillance Activity
Eugene Rooker, Assistant Project Manager, Global Video Surveillance Activity
James Powell, Assistant Project Manager, Global Video Surveillance Activity
Joyce Sawyer, Contractor, Science & Technology Project Support
Kris Tobin, Contractor, Science & Technology Project Support
Sonia Cervantes, Contracting Officer
James Goodwin, Contracting Specialist
Jane Pellegrino, Budget & Financial Manager
Allison Hutchens, Contracting Officer
Israel Reyes, Security Specialist
Jennifer Williams, Contracting Officer
Elizabeth Holland, Contracting Officer
Greg Metty, Contracting Specialist
Tony Anderson, Deputy Asst. Program Mgr., Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance
Sherry Balderson, Resource Manager
Lamar Jones, Security Manager
Gwen McBride, Contracting Officer
The U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) Global Video Surveillance Activity (GVSA) program established a chartered joint integrated product team (IPT) to manage a family of interrelated systems enabling enterprise information technology capabilities for the U.S. Army Special Operations Command and National Mission Force’s Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, and Analyze mission. The products fielded by the GVSA team supported overseas contingency operations that directly contributed to the capture and kill of numerous high value individuals and targets by Army Special Operations units in Operations Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, and current ongoing missions abroad.
This team was responsible for the development of a family of systems that was enabled by a net-centric enterprise communications architecture. This development approach ensured operators received actionable information in a timely manner, and it allowed users the ability to operate worldwide in all environments. The architecture leveraged proven commercial and government infrastructures to reduce project schedule and cost and to support the rapid kit delivery to fulfill critical solutions. Several innovative acquisition approaches, including project management, agile contracting support and adept financial management enabled operators to stay ahead of ever-changing adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures while integrating to maximum extent possible advances in commercial off-the-shelf communications technologies and other government agency efforts.
During the award period, the GVSA team, in close collaboration with the Special Operations Research Development Acquisition Center’s Science & Technology Directorate, multiple government agencies, and two national labs, successfully transitioned five basic and applied research efforts valued at over $25 million into the GVSA program of record. In three cases, prototypes were successfully operationally employed in sensitive missions. The delivery of these operationally suitable prototypes allowed the resource sponsors to re-prioritize $12 million to address other critical priorities in fiscal year 2013 and beyond.
The Barbara C. Heald Award
Barbara C. Heald retired after 27 years of service, but came out of retirement to volunteer to deploy overseas. She was killed on her third tour of duty during a rocket attack on the U.S. embassy compound in Baghdad. The award is presented to the DA civilian who clearly demonstrates selfless service, extraordinary and uncompromising professionalism in contracting and true commitment to the personal and professional growth of others.
Irvin G. Bonus, 413th Contracting Support Brigade, Regional Contracting Office – Hawaii, United States Army Contracting Command, Expeditionary Contracting Command, Wheeler Army Airfield.
As a warranted contracting officer, Bonus was instrumental in the successful transition of the division from purely contract administration to service and contract administration, handling nonpersonal service type requirements. He also led the implementation of Paperless Contract Files; the conversion from Standard Finance System to the General Fund Enterprise Business System; and transition from paying offices in Rome, NY, to Vendor Pay Kuwait.
New England Soldier Systems and Individual Equipment (NESSIE) Team, U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Natick Contracting Division
Team Members:
Sean Murphy, Branch Chief
Roberta Boswell, Contracting Officer
Mark Marchioli, Contracting Officer
Matthew Buchanan, Contract Specialist
The New England Soldier Systems and Individual Equipment (NESSIE) team maintains a Total Army Quality acquisition program that selects the best sources and ensures best value for the government. The NESSIE team has continually demonstrated commitment to the AbilityOne Program and throughout FY13 they increased the job opportunities for individuals who are blind or have other severe disabilities Americans, including disabled veterans returning home from Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.
In FY13 they increased the job opportunities for individuals who are blind or have other severe disabilities. Overall, the Team processed 120 contracting actions and obligated over $57 million to AbilityOne and its agencies.
Outstanding Contract Specialist/Procurement Analyst
Linda M. Finan, 409th Contracting Support Brigade, U.S. Army Contracting Command, Expeditionary Contracting Command
Finan is honored for exceptional performance as procurement analyst during the period July 2012 to June 2013. She displayed the highest level of contracting expertise and provided unparalleled support. Finan has demonstrated the ability to overcome challenges by becoming the “go to” professional for brigade personnel on alternative acquisition strategies and contract structures. Her innovative efforts led to a reduction in time and material/labor hour contract line items with an increase in firm-fixed-price actions. Forward thinking in long-term mission achievement, Ms. Finan meticulously prepared the ECC Monthly Procurement Report for procurements greater than $5 million and expiring within 12 months. She coordinated with each regional contracting office to ensure accuracy of information; and to stimulate early procurement planning, she proactively increased the scope of the report to procurements greater than $1.5 million expiring within 15 months.
Outstanding Contracting Officer Installation Level – Directorate of Contracting
Thomas R. Guyer, 409th Contracting Support Brigade, U.S. Army Contracting Command, Expeditionary Contracting Command, Theater Contracting Center
Having only been assigned to the 409th Contracting Support Brigade since June 2012, Thomas R. Guyer, has proven to be a powerhouse contracting officer, leader and masterful strategic thinker. He has significantly improved customer service responsiveness resulting in multiple large dollar actions being brought back in-house, which had been previously off-loaded to other contracting activities.
A life-long learner, Guyer brings a robust academic atmosphere to the Theater Contracting Center, IT Contracting Division. A prior Defense Acquisition University Adjunct, at Bellevue University College of Business in contract management and a well studied Level III contracting professional, he drives weekly training events into the IT Division with a passion and has increased the magnitude of his training program by including all prospective contracting officers into a warrant board preparatory program. He is currently attending the Air Command and Staff College via correspondence.
Outstanding Contracting Officer Systems, R&D, Logistics Support (Sustainment) Contracting
Lovisa D. Parks, PEO STRI, Program Executive Office
Parks’ extensive contracting knowledge and leadership was instrumental in the expeditious assessment of 27 acquisition packages, 50 determination and findings and 17 justifications and approvals with an estimated value of over $305 million. She also chaired the Price Evaluation Team conducting a comprehensive analysis of offers and preparing a critical pricing report to support the Source Selection Authority’s decision for the more than $40 million U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern Total Maintenance Contract.
Outstanding Contracting Officer Specialized Services & Construction Contracting
Sonya DeLucia, U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Huachuca Contracting Division
In support of Operations, Maintenance and Defense of Army Communications Systems in Southwest and Central Asia, Ms. DEL-U-SHA provided support to more than 40 sites in several countries with more than 1,700 contractor personnel. She awarded the contract, without protest, for an estimated total contract value of $788 million, a decrease from the previous contract valued in excess of $1 billion.
Outstanding Contracting Officer Contingency Contracting
Maj. William J. Griffin, 413th Contracting Support Brigade, Regional Contracting Office – Hawaii, United States Army Contracting Command, Expeditionary Contracting Command, Wheeler Army Airfield
Accepting a mission in Micronesia, Major Griffin conducted arduous negotiations with suppliers, across 18 time zones, saving the government of Micronesia $600,000. Immediately upon his return, he was hand-selected to be the senior contingency contracting officer in support of Cobra Gold. During that exercise, his team supported more than 13,000 multinational combined task force participants, and was responsible for $3.6 million in contract actions spanning across 10 different exercise locations.
Outstanding Unit/Team Awards
Outstanding Unit/Team Award for Systems, R&D, Logistics Support (Sustainment) Contracting (Tie)
Winner: Family of Heavy Tactical Vehicles (FHTV) Evaluation Team, U.S. Army Contracting Command, Army Contracting Command-Warren, TACOM LCMC and CH47 Multi Year II Contract Team, U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aviation and Missile Command Contracting Center, Redstone Arsenal
FHTV Team Members:
Jennifer Meyer, Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO)
Sally Petrous, Chief, MTV/HTV Pricing Team
Lennie Schwerdtfeger, Contract Price/Cost Analyst
Scott Nyboer, Contract Specialist
Jason Miller, Contract Price/Cost Analyst
Angel Estep, Contract Price Cost Analyst
John Wagner, Legal Advisor
The Family of Heavy Tactical Vehicles (FHTV) Evaluation Team demonstrated outstanding efforts to analyze and negotiate the FHTV proposal. The team quickly implemented a highly effective strategy that successfully leveraged both Defense Contract Audit Agency and Defense Contract Management Agency assets to evaluate and negotiate the FHTV Phase Ill Extension. These efforts established FY13 and FY14 vehicle prices and allowed for a timely award to preserve the customer’s funding. Of special note, 15 of the 23 variant prices were negotiated lower than FY12 prices.
CH47 Chinook Multiyear II Evaluation Team Members:
Lt. Col. Jeffrey Caldwell, Contracting Officer
Robin Hadlock, Senior Contract Specialist
Michael Allison, Contract Specialist
Georgia Walker, Contract Specialist
Jonathan Hitt, Contract Specialist
The CH-47F Multiyear Two Contract procures up to 215 CH-47F aircraft over five production years, with a potential value of $4.9 billion. The team successfully negotiated the base award, for 155 CH-47F aircraft, from $4.2 billion down to $3.4 billion, saving an estimated $810 million.
Outstanding Unit/Team Award for Contingency Contracting
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers North Atlantic Division, Super Storm Sandy Immediate Response Team, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Directorate of Contracting, North Atlantic Division
The USACE North Atlantic Division Super Storm Sandy Immediate Response Team worked tirelessly and rapidly to conduct response and recovery contracting operations in support of the Department of Homeland Security-FEMA under the National Response Framework, DoD, and USACE authorities. The team is commended for tireless and rapid response and recovery contracting operations to provide lifesaving and life-sustaining relief support to disaster survivors. Contracts, worth more than $200 million, included task orders for trucks, barges, and other heavy equipment used to swiftly remove debris from the hurricane location. The team also contracted for generators, sewage pumps, sandbags, portable toilets and much more, all within the first 21 days following hurricane landfall.
Outstanding Unit/Team Award for Installation Level – Directorate of Contracting
Virtual Procurement Management Review (PMR) Team FY 13, U.S. Army Contracting Command, Expeditionary Contracting Command
The team developed and implemented a new streamlined approach and processes that resulted in increased performance of the team, as well as the program. Through the use of virtual PMRs, they reduced travel costs by $250,000.
Outstanding Unit/Team Award for Specialized Services & Construction Contracting
Supply, Expeditionary, and Construction Team, 414th Contracting Support Brigade, United States Army Contracting Command, Expeditionary Contracting Command
The Supply, Expeditionary, and Construction Team provided outstanding contracting support to United States Army Africa (USARAF) and United States Army Garrison (USAG) Vicenza across two continents. These actions allowed for the successful execution of multiple exercises in Africa. In addition, the team was responsible for procuring supplies, services, and construction supporting the build-out of Caserma Del Din in Vicenza, Italy totaling more than $328 million.
Photos from the ceremony are now available on the USAASC Flickr page.