POSITION: Battalion Sergeant Major
UNIT: 922nd Contingency Contracting Battalion
AWARDS: Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal (2 Oak Leaf Clusters), Army Commendation Medal (2 Oak Leaf Clusters), Army Achievement Medal (3 Oak Leaf Clusters), and the Order of Saint Barbara Medallion
EDUCATION: Bachelor’s degree in business management, Excelsior University
Contingency contractor Joseph follows the action
By Susan L. Follett
When Master Sgt. Keith Joseph tells people about his contracting work for the Army, “they’re always surprised that we have our hands in so many things. The people building the new facility, the movers handling a PCS [permanent change of station] from one part of the country to the other, the group making sure the lawns are mowed—that’s all contracting. And it’s rewarding to me to be a part of that.”
Joseph joined the Army nearly 20 years ago, and deployed to Saudi Arabia in 2001, Iraq in 2003 and Afghanistan in 2008. He took a few minutes to speak with us in mid-October, just before another deployment would take him away from home for several months. Deployments are the nature of contingency contracting and its people go where the action is, in support of military operations, stability operations, responses to natural disasters or providing humanitarian aid.
“I joined the Army to provide a secure and stable living for my family, which includes my son and daughter and three grandchildren. I’m fortunate in that I work in a great office, and what I enjoy most about my work is seeing how well our team—45 people, a mix of military and civilians—comes together to support the warfighter.”
FOTF: What do you do and why is it important to the warfighter?
JOSEPH: I am currently the battalion sergeant major for the 922nd Contingency Contracting Battalion at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. I ensure that the warfighter is provided supplies, services and facility construction so their mission can be efficiently carried out. I also ensure that warfighters are educated on their responsibilities as contracting officer representatives before leaving for their missions and that they have the capability to effectively monitor contracts.
FOTF: What are some of the milestones you’ve achieved?
JOSEPH: My greatest accomplishment was acquiring my degree—a big challenge for most of the 51C NCOs [noncommissioned officers]. Balancing my daily workload, going to school and spending quality time with family can be a little overwhelming. Another milestone accomplished was acquiring my Level III certification in contracting, which I earned in April 2014.
FOTF: What is your greatest satisfaction in being part of the Army Acquisition Corps?
JOSEPH: My greatest satisfaction in being part of the Army Acquisition Corps is being able to support the warfighter and combatant commanders. As a prior 92Y [unit supply specialist] and a warfighter, I understand the urgency of need for most of the Army units. It is also gratifying to be a part of a diverse community of Soldiers and civilians.

Master Sgt. Keith Joseph recognizes Staff Sgt. William Stombaugh for earning his Level II certification in contracting.
- “Faces of the Force” is an online feature highlighting members of the Army Acquisition Workforce. Produced by the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center Communication Division, and working closely with public affairs officers, Soldiers and Civilians currently serving in a variety of AL&T disciplines. For more information, or to nominate someone, please contact 703-805-1006.
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