New Website Gives Functional Area 51 Officers One-Stop Career Management Tool

By May 18, 2012September 17th, 2018Career Development

The U.S. Army Career Management Office is poised to launch its new Functional Area (FA) 51 Officer Army Career Tracker (ACT) website ( The website, a personalized professional development application, integrates training, education, and experiential learning into one interface.

FA 51

ACT allows officers to view past accomplishments and potential career development opportunities in a single, easy-to-use interface, allowing them to see key positions in a more interactive format than DA Pamphlet 600-3, Commissioned Officer Professional Development and Career Management.

Users can search multiple Army education and training resources to monitor their career development and general career progression efficiently and effectively.

“This is an exciting time of change and progress for the Army,” said LTC Matthew Schramm, FA 51 ACT Career Administrator. “The system consolidates acquisition requirements for training into one system, so officers can conveniently plan their careers and relay that career plan and information to their assignment manager for implementation.”

“The system consolidates acquisition requirements for training into one system, so officers can conveniently plan their careers and relay that career plan and information to their assignment manager for implementation.”

The development and deployment plan for ACT has been ongoing for more than a year. “The system was based on a directive from the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, which pushed it down to each of the Army branch functional areas,” stated Schramm. “The directive was Armywide and includes DA civilians. The system is broken down by career program and consolidates a number of trending education and learning systems into one portal for officers.”

Officers who sign in to the Web portal can plan career goals, register for classes, and designate a mentor in the portal who can view what the officer has listed. Both the mentor and the officer’s supervisor can make recommendations based on the officer‘s career benchmarks. The system provides a pathway to success by establishing short- and long-term goals. ACT will also notify users of required training and announce additional training that may be beneficial.

The system recognizes civilian education levels and uses them as a barometer for career progression, allowing users to view their area of concentration, credentials, and certifications.

“It‘s the leader tool for the 21st century,” said Schramm.

ACT will be available to all Army acquisition officers, allowing them to see developmental opportunities and job assignments across the Acquisition Corps. “It‘s the leader tool for the 21st century,” said Schramm.

  • From the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center.