By Rae Higgins, PEO CS&CSS Strategic Communication
Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh has honored the Army’s Program Executive Office for Combat Support and Combat Service Support (PEO CS&CSS) with the Army Superior Unit Award for “exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service” during Fiscal Year 2013.
PEO CS&CSS is headquartered in Warren, Mich., and is part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology. More than 1,000 military and civilian employees assigned to five project offices and 25 product offices in Warren, Huntsville, Ala., Natick, Mass., and Fort Belvoir, Va., direct and coordinate the life cycle management of hundreds of Army systems spanning most of the Army’s transportation, ordnance, quartermaster, and engineer equipment portfolios.
The PEO CS&CSS team touches nearly every system commanders need to move Soldiers to the fight, sustain them in place, and bring them home again. This includes the Army’s entire tactical wheeled vehicle fleet, Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles, route clearance, Army watercraft, construction and material handling, bridging, shelters, mobile power generation, and other force projection systems.
Although not a “traditional” Army unit, the PEO is an innovative, disciplined lifecycle management team enabling America’s warfighters by unburdening Soldiers in the field. Its employees provide and improve the integrated, combat-enabling systems warfighters need to dominate the full spectrum of Joint and Unified Land Operations.
This award distinguishes the PEO as one of only a handful of acquisition organizations to receive such prestigious recognition. The Army’s Superior Unit Award is a decoration which is awarded to units that display outstanding meritorious performance of a difficult and challenging mission carried out under extraordinary circumstances.
“While the award covers a period of performance dating back nearly two years, this distinguishes our PEO as one of the finest organizations in the U.S. Army,” said Scott J. Davis, Program Executive Officer, Combat Support and Combat Service Support. “I am proud of our accomplished, professional acquisition team delivering effective, affordable combat-enabling capabilities. This honor is a testament to our employees’ dedication to and love of the Soldiers they serve.”
The military and civilian employees who comprise the PEO were cited for outstanding support of Soldiers engaged in combat operations and preparing future combat support capabilities.
Specifically, for fiscal year 2013 the PEO is recognized for:
- Delivering outstanding support to Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coalition forces in every Geographic Combatant Command and often engaged in combat operations, despite tremendous fiscal, operational, and programmatic challenges in today’s environment.
- Serving as outstanding stewards of a $2 billion appropriation, including effectively fielding more than 14,000 tactical wheeled vehicles and conducting 2,000-plus in-theater survivability upgrades.
- Devising a groundbreaking approach to contingency base fuel management which saved 77,500 gallons per month, all while exploring wide-ranging operational energy improvements in theater-represented base-camp laboratory environments.
- Identifying numerous cost-saving and cost-avoidance opportunities expected to yield $780 million in benefits over five years.
- Pursuing a mature, affordable solution to today’s light tactical wheeled vehicle capability gap, marked by receipt of the U.S. Defense Department’s 2013 David Packard Award for Acquisition Excellence and on-schedule progress toward fielding the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle.
The ceremony to present the Army Superior Unit Award to PEO CS&CSS employees is tentatively scheduled sometime this spring.
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