By Steve Stark
The best-trained and most well-equipped Army in the world didn’t get that way without a workforce to take care of the acquisition, logistics and technology. That’s why the theme of the new edition of Army AL&T magazine—out now—is “The AL&T Workforce.” It’s dedicated to the women and men who take a concept and turn it into reality. The issue is packed with news you can use in every section, including career development, training and certification opportunities. Some of the highlights are outlined below.
Faces of the Force
Where would the Army be without you, the acquisition workforce? Check out the spread of pictures at the heart of the magazine. We have a workforce that does so many things in so many places that we wanted to see and share the stories of the many faces of our force. We had far more photos than we could put in the magazine, so take a look at our Flickr set. Go to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/usaasc/sets/72157633512678452/.
Setting the Gold Standard
The Hon. Katrina G. McFarland, assistant secretary of defense for acquisition, talks about DOD’s acquisition workforce and concrete steps being taken to improve it.
Ready for Change
Ushering in the Global Combat Support System – Army is a complex and careful process that promises sweeping benefits as it brings the Army an industrial-grade enterprise resource management system.
The Methods Behind the Mystique
Laszlo Bock, Google’s chief workforce manager, discusses the hiring, retention and professional development philosophies that set it apart.
Career Corner
The Career Corner is more than just a corner. It contains stories on career development, certification, and training opportunities, including, this month, “Six Steps to Certification,” and more.
Army AL&T magazine is the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center’s quarterly professional journal, comprising in-depth, analytically focused articles. The magazine’s mission is to instruct members of the Army AL&T community relative to AL&T processes, procedures, techniques, and management philosophy and to disseminate other information pertinent to the professional development of workforce members and others engaged in AL&T activities. The magazine is available in hard copy and on the USAASC website – and now in a new app version, available for Apple iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch) on the iTunes App Store, Android devices on Google Play, and Amazon Kindle devices on Amazon.
Army AL&T wants your stories, your photographs and your opinions. For submission guidelines and other information, go to https://asc.army.mil/web/publications/army-alt-magazine/.