USAASC Employees Donate $15,000 to Charity

By January 11, 2013June 8th, 2014General
Combined Federal Campaign

Sue Follett


FORT BELVOIR, Va. – The employees of the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) outdid themselves in generosity this year, contributing more than $15,000 to the 2012 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and far exceeding fundraising projections.

USAASC employees donated $15,830 to the CFC, the only authorized charitable-giving drive for federal employees. That total surpasses this year’s goal of $9,146 as well as last year’s donations of $12,826.

Keith Butler served as USAASC’s CFC campaign manager. “I’m very proud of the support our community has shown to the CFC,” he said. “We kicked off our fundraising effort in October with a four-part campaign, and had a steady level of giving throughout. I think our email blasts were key in reminding people of the importance of donating.”

Established by President John F. Kennedy in 1961, the CFC gives donors the option to direct their donations to more than 4,000 local, national, and international charities that provide a range of services, including health care, disaster relief, housing, and youth development.

“Our donations will do a lot of good for a lot of people,” said Butler, who joined USAASC just eight months ago. “It’s very impressive to me, as someone who’s new to this community, to see how generous this organization is when it comes to helping those who need it,” he added.