The annual Arthur S. Flemming Awards honor oustanding federal government employees. Here, last year’s winners are honored. (Photo by the Arthur S. Flemming Awards Commission.)
The George Washington University and the Arthur S. Flemming Awards Commission are accepting nominations for the 63rd annual Arthur S. Flemming Awards. Dec. 9 is the deadline to submit nominations.
The Flemming Awards honor federal government employees who have made outstanding contributions to public service on either a sustained basis or through a single exceptional accomplishment achieved or completed during 2011.
Awards are made in five categories:
- Leadership and/or Management.
- Legal Achievement.
- Social Science, Clinical Trials, and Translation Research.
- Applied Science and Engineering.
- Basic Science.
Any career civilian employee of the federal government or member of the uniformed services who has at least three, but no more than 15, years of service as of Dec. 31,2011, is eligible to be nominated for an Arthur S. Flemming Award. A nominee may be an officer or employee in the agency headquarters or field service throughout the world. Each award winner will receive an engraved medal.
Additional information about the Flemming Awards is available online at http://flemming.gwu.edu. All nominations must be submitted through the appropriate chain of command for endorsement by HQDA principal officials and forwarded to the Human Resources Management Directorate (HRMD) Civilian Awards email address at usarmy.pentagon.hqda.mail.hrmd-civilian-awards@mail.mil. The deadline for submitting nominations to HRMD is Dec. 9.
For additional information, contact Joann Anderson, HRMD Incentive Awards Program Manager at 703-545-1187 or joann.f.anderson6.civ@mail.mil.
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