Upcoming Training Opportunities
- The Excellence in Government Fellowship (EIGF) announcement is open from July 12 through Aug. 26. The EIGF is a leadership program conducted by the Partnership for Public Service in Washington, DC. The Partnership is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to revitalize our federal government by inspiring a new generation to serve and by transforming the way government works. The program offers hands-on leadership development for project managers and acquisition professionals. Click on https://asc.army.mil/career/programs/eigf/default.cfm for more on EIGF.
- The Acquisition Tuition Assistance Program (ATAP) announcement is open July 15 through Aug. 31. ATAP is for civilian Army Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (AL&T) Workforce members who wish to complete a bachelor’s degree at an accredited college or university or to fulfill the business hour requirement cited in Reference A of the ATAP policy. Master’s funding is also available to those GS Level 11 (or broad/pay band equivalent) AL&T workforce members who are currently certified at their required level (at least Level II) and are interested in pursuing graduate study. To apply for ATAP, AL&T Workforce members must be certified at the level required for their current position. Click on https://asc.army.mil/career/programs/atap/default.cfm for more information.
Defense Acquisition University Highlights
- Registration for FY12 classes is open through the Army Training Requirements and Resources Internet Training Application System (AITAS) at https://www.atrrs.army.mil/channels/aitas. For more information on DAU training, including step-by-step instructions, training priorities, and FAQs, click on https://asc.army.mil/career/programs/dau/default.cfm.
- The cancellation timeline has been modified for DAU courses from five business days to 30 calendar days from the date the student receives a reservation. Cancellations for a confirmed reservation must be received at least 30 calendar days before the class starts or the reservation cutoff date, whichever is earlier. Cancellations submitted less than 30 days before the class starts or the reservation cutoff date must be approved by the first general officer or Senior Executive Service member in your organization’s chain of command, in accordance with Department of the Army DAU Training Policy and Procedures at https://asc.army.mil/docs/programs/dau/DAU_Training_Policy_&_Procedures.pdf.
- The Army Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM) LTG William N. Phillips signed a memorandum on enforcing Army DAU policy and procedures for course cancellation requests. Please view the memo at https://asc.army.mil/docs/programs/dau/ArmyDAUCancellationPolicyPhillips.pdf.
- On March 28, the Director for Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy released a memorandum on the subject “Upcoming Changes to the Contracting Curriculum in Fiscal Year 2012.” The changes will affect the certification requirements for members of the acquisition workforce who are currently in a contracting-coded position. The Deputy DACM provided supplemental guidance for the FY12 contracting changes. Please view the changes and recommendations on course transition at https://asc.army.mil/career/programs/dau/changes.cfm.
- DAU has successfully procured a commercial-off-the-shelf Student Information System to replace the current, distinct DAU registration systems for the four services. The system, named PORTICO, is Web-based and will interface with current DAU and DOD systems, AITAS, and the Career Acquisition Management Portal/Career Acquisition Personnel and Position Management Information System. Army workforce members can authenticate via a DOD common access card. PORTICO will standardize functionality and capability for all services. It will allow more transparency and up-to-date status to students when applying for DAU courses. The initial operating capability date is targeted for June 2012. View ongoing status and team blogs at http://www.dau.mil/sis/default.aspx.
- To address the shortfall in Level II contracting classes, six commercial vendors and four universities offer CON 215, 217, and 218 equivalent classes. For more information on equivalencies, visit DAU’s website at http://icatalog.dau.mil/appg.aspx. Please email the program execution point of contact at usaascweb-ac@conus.army.mil if you are unable to obtain CON 215, 217, and/or 218 classes this fiscal year and would like to use Section 852 funds to pay for an equivalent provider. The U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center plans to offer this option to those who need the courses and are unable to get an FY11 reservation. DAU continues to work to provide more offerings of Level II Contracting courses in the current fiscal year.
The Army is placing only first-priority students into available Level II Business, Cost, and Financial Management (BCFM) classes, to address the shortfall. DAU is well aware of the backlog and is working diligently to expand classroom size for current and additional course offerings. The demand is due to a temporary surge of BCFM certification requirements. For experienced BCFM personnel, fulfillment of the course is recommended. Fulfillment information can be found at http://icatalog.dau.mil/DAUFulfillmentPgm.aspxdf.