The next Apps for the Army (A4A) challenge, tentatively scheduled to launch in 2012, is expanding, allowing participation from public and industry developers.
The Army Chief Information Officer (CIO)/G-6 is creating prototype monetization business models, which demonstrate how Web traffic is converted into sales, and is addressing intellectual property rights for the next A4A, said Gary Blohm, Army CIO/G-6’s lead for Army Software Transformation.
“This time, the Army wants to tap into industry, and not just for its well-known app development capabilities, but to help them look at new ways to broaden third-party participation in the marketplace,” Blohm said.
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As a way to accelerate the innovation and delivery of applications, Army CIO/G-6 is conducting several events that engage industry in altering the business models, practices, and processes currently used to respond to warfighter needs. These events will also help in refining the existing prototype Army Application Marketplace (https://storefront.mil/army/) and its capabilities.
“Our ability to adopt more agile practices and processes is based on the ongoing collapse and standardization of computing environments,” said Blohm. “This means we are looking to establish an online capability that can support applications that are accessed by a variety of devices across diverse mission areas,” to support the Army’s goal of providing apps and app marketplaces for all types of apps—not those limited to smartphones.
Originally launched by the Army in 2010, A4A was designed to foster Soldiers’ and Army civilians’ creativity in developing solutions to enhance operational effectiveness and to increase business productivity. In addition, related efforts assisted in establishing a supporting proof-of-concept application marketplace with streamlined processes and capabilities provided by DOD, such as the DOD Storefront; Forge.mil, a family of services led by the Defense Information Systems Agency that was created to support DOD’s technology development efforts, and Rapid Access Computing Environment, or RACE. This marketplace of capabilities supported the distribution of the A4A winning apps.
For more information on the A4A, visit http://ciog6.army.mil/Apps4Army2010/tabid/67/Default.aspx.
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- From CIO/G-6 and staff reports