Army Office of Small Business programs

By August 23, 2019December 23rd, 2019Acquisition, Contracting
Army Office of Small Business Programs

The Army awards billions of contracting dollars annually in order to support its mission. Historically, more than 20 percent of this total goes to small businesses. A strong small business industrial base is essential to supporting the Warfighter and accomplishing the Army mission.

The Army Office of Small Business Programs is responsible for advising the Secretary of the Army and the Army leadership on small business related matters. The office spearheads innovative initiatives that contribute to expanding the small business industrial base relevant to the Army mission priorities, and leverages the use of minority serving educational institutions in support of Army Science and Technology Programs.

Director Kimberly D. Buehler was appointed in August 2019. She provides executive leadership for all aspects of the Army’s small business mission, including advocacy and outreach for all small business programs, development and dissemination of policies and procedures for execution of small business functions, and oversight for the execution of the small business program – equating to more than $20 billion dollars of annual spending.

Learn more about the Army Office of Small Business Programs and how to do business with the Army following these simple steps listed at