by Sarah Aubouin Meet Byron Kight, an acquisition policy specialist with the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army Strategy and Acquisition Reform (ODASA(SAR)) in Arlington, Va. With...
TAKE AIM AT COLLABORATION: Soldiers test the A5 Stinger MANPADS at Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany, in August 2024. The joint service use of MANPADS highlights the need for interoperability. (Photo...
(Photo by John Pennell, 11th Airborne Division) by Rebecca Wright When thinking about the Arctic, images of snow, ice—maybe even a polar bear—likely come to mind. Located at the northernmost...
MAKE IT BRIEF: Gen. James E. Rainey, the commanding general of Army Futures Command, briefing U.S. Army Gen. Randy A. George, chief of staff of the Army. George uses the...
Mary Falcigno, a computer scientist with DEVCOM, recently graduated from the Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program, photo credit Todd Mozes by Sarah Aubouin In this round of Spotlight on Success,...
COMMAND/ORGANIZATION: Joint Program Executive Office Armaments and Ammunition, Project Manager Maneuver Ammunition SystemsTITLE: Program officer lead, Tank Training AmmunitionYEARS OF SERVICE IN WORKFORCE: 18DAWIA CERTIFICATIONS: Practitioner, engineering and technical managementEDUCATION:...
GET READY: Fire support specialists Sgt. Jonathan Guerrero, left, and Spc. Brantley Tercero, assigned to the 10th Mountain Division Artillery, use AFATDS AXS to enhance the readiness of 10th Mountain...
What's New NEW CREDENTIALS Five new credentials are now available to those interested in pursuing a defense acquisition credential. Defense acquisition credentials provide the knowledge and associated skills...
TEAM TRAINING: Operators assigned to 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) conduct medical evacuation training on Oahu, Hawaii, Aug. 9, 2024, as part of Joint Training Exercise NAKOA FLEEK, which saw...
FIRST IN TAAS: Craig Gardunia, director at TAAS, presents Sgt. 1st Class Ryan Johnson with his BAIB at the school facility in Huntsville, Alabama, on Dec. 12, 2024. (Photo provided...
CLEAN SWEEP: Soldiers detect radiation during chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear scenario-based decontamination training in the U.S. Central Command area of operations on February 23, 2024. Service members train on...
by Cheryl Marino FORT BELVOIR, Va. (Jan. 14, 2025) — Efficiency is not a straight line of time and motion. It has many tangents: Costs, open system architecture, contracting, sustainability,...
COMMAND/ORGANIZATION: U.S. Army Contracting Command – Redstone ArsenalTITLE: Branch chief, Modernization DirectorateYEARS OF SERVICE IN WORKFORCE: 39DAWIA CERTIFICATIONS: Contracting ProfessionalEDUCATION: MBA and B.S. in marketing, both from Alabama Agricultural and...
FORT BELVOIR, Va. — Leaders across the DOD came together to celebrate innovation in acquisition with two major honors at the 2024 Defense Acquisition Awards, held Dec. 11, 2024, at...
DAU TRAINING NEWS MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The third and fourth quarter schedules for Defense Acquisition University (DAU) training will open for registration on Jan. 16. Students can register...
TEAM COORDINATION: By building a network of procurement analysts to decentralize the Procurement Management Review process, Army Contracting Command - Aberdeen Proving Ground can provide access to more empowered review...
PORTABLE DESTRUCTION: The Compact Rapid Chemical Agent Neutralization System is a highly portable chemical agent destruction system designed by the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center to...
CIVILIAN SHOWCASE: Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth, left, with Lt. Gen. Robert M. Collins, military deputy director, ASA(ALT), middle, and Col. Barry Williams, deputy director, USAASC, right, at the...
BATTLE OF THE BAY: Service members from USSOCOM, Special Operations Component Command and International Special Operations partners and allies conduct a capabilities demonstration during Special Operations Forces Week 2024 in...
WASHINGTON (Dec. 12, 2024) – The exceptional achievements of the Army Acquisition Workforce, who play a vital role in advancing the Army’s modernization goals by delivering innovative solutions to meet...
ONE TEAM: The AAW HCSP defined development efforts in three core components: training and education, action learning, coaching and mentoring. (Photo by Polina Zimmerman, Pexels) by Rebecca Wright The Army...
COMMAND/ORGANIZATION: Joint Program Executive Office Armaments and Ammunition; Project Manager Maneuver Ammunition Systems; Product Manager Small Caliber AmmunitionTITLE: Ammunition branch chief, 6.8 mm Next Generation Squad WeaponsYEARS OF SERVICE IN...
INCREASED COMMS: Staff Sgt. Devin Sasser, network communications systems specialist for the Maneuver Combat Advisor Team 2310 with 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade, configures a satellite terminal to increase tactical...
by Sarah Aubouin Meet Christa Radford, a contract specialist with the Tactical Aviation and Ground Munitions Division of Program Executive Office Missiles and Space at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. Radford...
RELIABLE DATA NEEDED: Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) operators assigned to Company D, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division conduct flight operations on April 8, 2024. Reliable data is essential...
COMMAND/ORGANIZATION: Joint Program Executive Office for Armaments and Ammunition, Project Manager Close Combat SystemsTITLE: Project management officerYEARS OF SERVICE IN WORKFORCE: 17DAWIA CERTIFICATIONS: Practitioner in engineering and technical managementEDUCATION: M.S....