Army Acquisition Workforce
The Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) is charged with a critical mission to cultivate innovation, design the impossible, and provide Soldiers with what they need to be successful. This is done through people–a workforce of approximately 30,000 Army acquisition professionals from scientists and engineers to accountants and program managers who turn Army requirements into products and services, managing everything from cradle to grave. The AAW consists of civilians, officers, and NCOs in both active and reserve components, who specialize in one of 6 acquisition functional areas and serve in over 20 commands stationed around the globe.

As of January 2023
Acquisition Functional Areas
Engineering & Technical Management – 37% |
Contracting – 28% |
Life Cycle Logistics – 14% |
Program Management – 11% |
Test and Evaluation – 6% |
Business – Financial Management – 3% |
Business – Cost Estimating – 1% |
TOTAL: 100% |
The civilian acquisition workforce is present in all 6 functional areas and is integral in all aspects of the acquisition lifecycle. Beginning with requirements, to testing, engineering, through deployment and sustainment, civilians are ensuring readiness for the Army. Utilizing a continuous learning model, the civilian workforce is well-educated, well-trained, and agile to maintain the highest level of quality in the support of our Soldiers.
5% of the Army Acquisition Workforce are military.
Commissioned officers in the U.S. Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) are designated as FA51 officers and can be assigned to 2 functional areas.
The U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) serves as the Proponent of Military FA51-Acquisition. Our Military Proponency Officers provide force structure, acquisition, distribution, professional development, deployment, compensation, sustainment, and transition information.
In addition, the proponency officers provide the following career development assistance:
- Advise Soldiers on career progression and promotion opportunities.
- Monitor accessions and approve reclassifications, certifications, and separations.
- Survey and communicate with Soldiers in the field on proponent topics.
- Monitor Soldier strength within the AAC.
- Implement personnel management policies and procedures.
- Military officers interested in joining the AAC are encouraged to consider applying to the annual accession board.
The accession board focuses on attracting officers at the senior captain or major level who are branch-qualified and have at least 24 undergraduate business hours.
The FA51 proponency will assess and submit reclassification actions through the U.S. Army Human Resources Command Reclassification Branch using the “Whole Soldier Concept.”
5% of the Army Acquisition Workforce are military.
Acquisition workforce noncommissioned officers (NCOs) are managed through military occupational specialty (MOS) 51C, contracting NCO. The U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) is the proponent of MOS 51C, and functions performed by the Army acquisition workforce are based in statute and cannot be performed by non-acquisition personnel.
MOS 51C NCOs are in the contracting acquisition functional area and function as contingency contracting NCOs responsible for acquiring critical supplies, services and minor construction in support of Army, joint and coalition forces.
In addition, proponent NCOs at USAASC provide the following career development assistance:
- Advise contracting NCOs on career progression and promotion opportunities.
- Facilitate reclassifications to MOS 51C, acquisition training opportunities and ACF certifications.
- Survey and communicate with 51C NCOs in the field regarding doctrine, organization, training, leader development, personnel issues, career management and policy.
- Inform the field on policies and procedures for certifications, and recommend broadening positions outside the career management field.
The 51C reclassification board and the Army Director of Acquisition Career Management assess reclassification packets using the Total Soldier Concept.