Centralized Product Director Selection Board 

The Product Director (PD) concept is to centrally select high performing Army acquisition civilian program management personnel at the GS-14/broadband equivalent level to serve in PD positions within the Program Executive Office (PEO) structure. The DACM’s objective is to direct personnel assignments within the PEOs to facilitate the placement of high performing civilian personnel for these PD positions. This central management of civilian PDs is the core of the civilian talent management concept.

Army Acquisition Centralized Selection List (CSL) Positions 

The purpose of the CSL process is to select the best-qualified individuals (COL/GS-15 and LTC/GS-14) for specifically identified acquisition command and acquisition key billet positions to meet the needs of the Army Acquisition Corps (AAC).

The selection of AAC leaders begins with guidance from the Chief of Staff of the Army to the selection board. The process ends with the publication of a centrally selected list of officers and civilians to serve as acquisition directors and product/project managers in designated acquisition key billets deemed so critical that a board must centrally select those leaders.

The CSL is the Chief of Staff’s process, and the board members select the acquisition officers and civilians they believe are best qualified to run major contract efforts and lead Acquisition Category (ACAT) I, II, and III weapon systems programs. Slating of CSL principals into CSL positions is an Army Acquisition Executive responsibility.

Noncommissioned Officer (MOS 51C)

The Army Acquisition Corps Noncommissioned Officer (MOS 51C) performs and provides specified and critical elements of the acquisition and contracting process in support of deployments, combat operations, joint operations, exercises, contingencies and sustainment operations.