The Army is currently recruiting NCOs who are interested in reclassifying to MOS 51C and meet the requirements. Candidates selected for reclassification not only learn a new craft, but also, through the training, education, and professional development aspects of the MOS, gain valuable transferable skills. The accession process is competitive but rewarding. For specific deadlines, dates and packet submission instructions, see the links below.
Active Component Reclassification Process
Steps to Planning Your Acquisition Career
Reclassification Process: How to Apply
Step 1
(Active NCOs)
To complete the application process, please go to the Career Acquisition Management Portal (CAMP) at Read the Acceptable Use Policy and click “I understand and accept.” Then click on AAPDS, then click apply. From there click on the 51C Accession Panel. The next page should be the application process. Upload all required documents. Once all required documents are uploaded then you will be able to submit your packet. Soldiers who have issues with uploading documents or logging into the website, should contact the Proponent NCOs at
Step 2
All Soldiers will be notified by email regarding approval or disapproval status within 90 days following the conclusion of each review panel. Board results will also be posted once all applicants are notified directly.
Packets that contain attachments as one file will not be accepted. Each attachment must be in an Adobe PDF format and all information must be legible. Example documentation is provided in the next section. The Soldier will receive a confirmation email from the 51C Proponency team when the application and emailed documentation has been received and validated.
Step 3
Upon acceptance as a 51C, Soldiers will be responsible for working through their current MOS Talent Manager to request Branch release and with HRC and to request a seat in the Army Acquisition Transition Course. The award of the MOS will be completed after successful completion of training. Acceptance letters are good for one year from receipt.
Panel Dates:
May 13-17th (Applications accepted thru 10APR2025)
Background on MOS 51C:
Contracting NCOs and Contracting Officers are part of a logistical supply plan. These Soldiers create, examine, and monitor contractual agreements between an organization and the vendor who is providing supplies or services to the unit.
51C Contracting NCOs are experts in purchasing goods and services, conducting market research, determining price fair and reasonableness, negotiating, and evaluating suppliers. These Soldiers ensure contractors are remaining compliant with contract guidelines.
Contractual obligations between the United States Government (51C Contracting NCO) and a vendor/contractor support the warfighter. These actions are what provide all materials, from uniforms, chairs and desks, gear to deploy with, military vehicles and weapons. Work as a 51C Contracting NCO is not any different from looking to purchase goods or services online, buying a car, or a home. The Army is looking for the best deal or best value for Army organizations and units, in both garrison and deployed environments.
Reclassification guidance and prerequisites for Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) 51C – Acquisition, Logistics & Technology Contracting Noncommissioned Officer.
- Reclassification Prerequisites to apply for MOS 51C are as follows:
- Active Component Non-Commissioned Officers (SGT through SSG) with less than 10 years Time in Service at the time the panel convenes are eligible to apply and be selected without an approved waiver. NCOs above 10 but less than 12 years may apply and be selected with an approved waiver from the Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM). This waiver approval will be determined during the panel. Waivers will not be considered for NCOs above 12 years of service.
- SGTs do not have to be promotable, however, the CMF 51 Proponent SGM will not consider any Active-Duty Soldiers with less than 24 months of time as an E-5. Time as a Corporal does not count. SGTs must be eligible to be promoted to the next rank but if they do not have ALC credit will be given upon completion of the Army Acquisition Transition Course.
- NCOs must demonstrate successful ratings as an SGT or SSG with the potential to excel, verified by Non-Commissioned Officer Evaluation Reports (NCOERs) covering FOUR years (or more) preceding the board panel date, not just the last four NCOERs. This includes any DA Form 1059s, Academic Evaluation Reports (AERs). If the NCO does not have enough rated time to provide FOUR years of evaluations, the NCO must provide ALL NCOERs he/she currently has and include any DA Form 1059s, Academic Evaluation Reports (AERs).
- A Senior Rater memorandum for record is required if the NCO’s last NCOER “Thru” date is prior to 1 February 2025. Applicants with a “Thru” date of 1 January 2024 or after are not required to supply a Senior Rater memorandum for record. The current Senior Rater must address any gaps in rated time, to include the period between the NCO’s last NCOER/AER and packet submission date. The memorandum must provide an honest assessment of the NCO’s overall performance and potential and should address blocks of NCOER as close as possible.
- NCOs must submit a DA 4187 signed by a Company Commander or higher, which includes, but not limited to, statement(s) that the NCO exhibits stability in personal affairs In Accordance With (IAW) Army Regulation 600-20, the NCO meets height and weight standards IAW AR 600-9, the NCO is NOT on temporary file, and the NCO does not have ANY derogatory information in his/her Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). Human Resources Command (HRC) conducts further background checks for derogatory information and validation of profile status prior to the board panel convening. If any derogatory information is identified in your records or your records shows that you are on temporary profile (some exceptions apply), the CMF Proponent will notify the NCO of their removal for consideration via email.
- If an NCO is on assignment instructions or HAS NOT been at his/her current duty station for a minimum of 9 months at the time of the panel, the NCO is ineligible for consideration. If serving OCONUS on a tour of two or more years, 24 months of the tour must be complete at the time of the board panel. NCOs on a short tour (one year) may apply without restriction.
- NCOs with college Bachelors and Masters will only provide a legible copy of both the transcript with conferment date and diploma. (Education Center Memorandum nor Education Plan is not required).
- NCOs with an associate degree need to provide a copy of transcripts with conferment date, diploma, AND an Education Plan Memorandum (to present to the board the progress toward a BA degree) and Education Center MFR to validate non-duplicate credits toward Bachelor’s. NCOs with college credits, but no degree must submit legible copies of all college transcripts with the Education Center Memorandum validating actual number of credit hours without duplicates as well as an Education Plan.
- NCOs must show proof they possess a current SECRET security clearance or higher (no interim clearances). The NCOs Unit Security Manager must provide an MFR which verifies a SECRET or higher security clearance.
- NCOs may not have any derogatory information in their OMPF, (this includes restricted files) that shows a record of conviction of any crime involving moral turpitude and No record of any information which might adversely reflect against the character, honesty, or integrity of the Soldier. This is also a requirement to maintain MOS qualification.
- Exhibit stability in personal affairs IAW AR 600-20, including, but not limited to, being able to receive and retain a government credit card/travel card, and single parents must have a viable Family Care Plan.
- NCOs must submit current DTMS training record filtered to show all ACFT data and Height and Weight with Body Fat Worksheet Data if applicable. Validation of the most current ACFT will be included in the body of the NCOs DA 4187 signed by the company commander.
- A current DA 3349 is required with every application. NCOs may be on temporary profile at time of board submission, however, they must be able to clear the profile and take an ACFT prior to attendance in, and at the Army Acquisition Transition Course (AATC).
2. NCOs must possess the following qualifications to be AWARDED and MAINTAIN MOS 51C:
- NCOs must be eligible for reclassification per AR 614-200.
- Successfully complete 51C reclassification training. MOS 51C is not awarded until completion of training (See DA PAM 611-21).
- A minimum passing ACFT score of 360.
- Must be able to obtain and maintain official military passport.
- NCOs must have a maximum profile (PULHES) rating of 222222.
- Minimum of a 110 GT Score (NON WAIVERABLE).
- Be a U.S. Citizen.
- Possess a security clearance of SECRET or higher.
- Have a valid driver’s license issued by a U.S. State or Territory.
- NCOs must maintain their deployable status as outlined in AR 40-501 and AR 600-60.
- Statement from NCO agreeing to the Service Remaining Requirement (SRR) as outlined in DA PAM 611-21, Chapter 10 (SRR for MOS 51C is 60 months). NCOs MUST serve an additional 60 months upon completion of reclassification training. NCOs must reenlist to meet the 60-month requirement prior to course attendance. NCOs who have not taken action to meet SRR within 30 days of course attendance will be dis-enrolled. Once MOS 51C is awarded, reclassification into another enlisted MOS during the 60-month SRR is not authorized.
- Formal training and successful completion of MOS 51C qualification course(s) is mandatory before award of the MOS.
Active component point of contact may be reached by email at
Example Documentation:

Soldier Reclassification Request
Required Documents:
- A 4187 (Signed by your Company Commander)
- Soldier Talent Profile with redacted photo and demographic information (i.e. race and gender).
- NCOERs (last 4 years)
- All Academic Evaluation Reports (DA 1059s)
- DTMS Training Record with all ACFT and Height Weight Information
- Current DA Form 3349 (Even if no current profile)
- Career Counselor Memorandum
- Soldier Reclassification Request
- One Page Essay, “Why I should be selected to become a 51C”
- Security Clearance Verification Memorandum
- NCOs with a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree, copy of transcripts with conferment date and diploma only
- NCOs with college credits only, copy of most current transcripts and Education Center Memorandum and Education Plan
- Additional Documentation in .PDF only (i.e. Letters of Recommendation, etc)
Panel Results:
- 2024 Board Results
February 2024 - June 2024
- 2023 Board Results
February 2023
June 2023 - 2022 Board Results
February 2022
July 2022