AAPPDS will enable eligible applicants to “opt-in” to the FY27 CSB and the FY27 CSL using 1 portal and one application packet.

Centralized Product Director Selection Board


Product Director Program Overview 


  • Announcement Opens: February 17, 2025
  • Announcement Closes: April 18, 2025
  • Board Dates:  June 9-13, 2025
  • Tentative Board Results: April 2026

The civilian PD board will immediately follow the FY27 Project and Product Manager’s Centralized Selection List (CSL) Board.

Qualified applicants are encouraged to apply via the Career Acquisition Management Portal/Career Acquisition Personnel and Position Management Information System (CAMP/CAPPMIS) Army Acquisition Professional Development System (AAPDS).



Eligible civilian applicants must meet all the following eligibility requirements in order to compete.  No waivers will be granted.

  • Be a permanent Army acquisition civilian in a career/career conditional appointment in the grade of GS14/broadband equivalent
  • Be DAWIA Practitioner certified in Functional Area Program Management at the time of application. Certification status must be reflected in Section X of the Acquisition Career Records Brief (ACRB).


In FY15, the Army Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) initiated a civilian only centralized product director selection board as a talent management initiative to identify high performers with leadership potential and key program management skills to lead many of our acquisition programs.

The Product & Project Director (PD) concept is to centrally select high performing Army acquisition civilian program management personnel at the GS-14 and GS-15/broadband equivalent level to serve in PD positions within the Program Executive Office (PEO) structure. The DACM’s objective is to direct personnel assignments within the PEOs to facilitate the placement of high performing civilian personnel for these PD positions. This central management of civilian PDs is the core of the civilian talent management concept.

The Army DACM Office manages this process and PD board selected civilians much like the U.S. Army Human Resources Command’s Acquisition Management Branch manages and assigns our military acquisition workforce. A post-utilization plan as the combined responsibility of the DACM Office Talent Management team, PEO and individual, will identify follow-on positions or opportunities after a successful tenure as a PD.

Product Directors are GS-14/broadband equivalent and similar to the Centralized Select List (CSL) Product Managers (PM). Project Directors are GS-15/broadband equivalent and similar to the CSL PMs. They are alike in level of cost, schedule, and performance responsibilities, differing by position in the lifecycle. Positions are identified by the PEOs and are validated utilizing the annual Military Acquisition Position List (MAPL)/CSL review process.  A common Position Requirements Document (PRD) designates all PD positions. Selectees are required to sign a Tenure and Program Management Agreement for three years.

PD Board application requirements mirror those for the CSL PM Board: Acquisition Career Record Brief, resume, performance appraisals, Senior Rater Potential Evaluations, and regional/geographic preference statement. Applications are submitted through an electronic application tool – the Career Acquisition Professional and Personnel Management Information System (CAPPMIS), Army Acquisition Professional Development System (AAPDS). AAPDS is the same electronic tool currently used for other DACM Office acquisition leadership development and selection opportunities.

Talent management of both our civilian and military Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) is a high priority for the Army DACM and the Army Acquisition Executive (AAE). Developing a pool of the right people in the right jobs with the right skills at the right time to deliver decisive-edge capabilities to our Soldiers at all times is the DACM’s goal. The Product Director Centralized Selection Board is just one of the initiatives in support of this effort.


For helpful hints on preparing your application, please visit the following link: //asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/best-practices


Product Director, FY15 – Present
Project Director, FY16-FY25


For further information, please contact Christina Lindh, Army DACM Office,christina.n.lindh.civ@army.mil