
The Leadership Foundry offers a hard hitting leadership development seminar series called the Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program (ALCP) at four different levels of an organization. All seminars are a teambuilding and practical guide to assist overall leadership and professional development in organizations.

The foundation of the ALCP is self-Awareness as the key to both leadership and professional development to create an innovative culture by helping to understand each individual’s personal preferences and behaviors and how each not only interact with their co-workers, but how they are viewed by others. This approach includes addressing people’s unconscious biases to help them discover new approaches to doing things and emphasizing the strength and power in accepting individual differences to produce a stronger “whole”. The ALCP training will ensure that people can communicate with their supervisors through a common language and help develop leaders who value individual styles and behaviors, creating a leadership corps more capable of critical thinking/problem solving, teamwork/collaboration, and creativity/innovation.

Graphic - ALCP

Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program B (Beginnings):

Target Grades: Civilian Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) members GS 7-11 or broadband equivalent
Course Length: 2 Days (Virtual)

ALCP B is targeted to assist new hires to the career civil service into the Federal and Acquisition workforce.  The focus is to build a solid foundation for effective and efficient acclimation into the workforce by introducing participants to their behavioral preferences and leadership tendencies,  giving them the “big picture” of three consistent challenges faced by professionals serving in the DoD;  Mission Requirements versus Available Resources (FYDP/POM/Authorization & Appropriation);  Responsibility, Accountability and Authority, where they fit into the system by becoming effective followers and finally providing some basic “rules of engagement” to give the participants an idea of social, cultural and legal expectations the workplace has in place (including perceptions other generations may have about dress, communication, and basic behavior through a series of “mentoring” “do’s and don’ts” and understanding generational perceptions).  The goal is to mitigate frustration and misunderstanding.

Participants complete three credentialed assessments prior to and during class that will be introduced during key segments of the course to provide personal insight on how each individual is unique and how we apply our uniqueness to multiple leadership development applications.

ALCP B provides a solid foundation, common language and common expectations for both ALCP I and eventually ALCP II.


  • Develop an awareness of individual leadership strengths, weaknesses, preferences, styles, and behaviors
  • Introduce the concept of “multiple ideas”
  • Learn a model for followership
  • Assess and understand preferred styles for approaching leadership in individual and team settings
  • Experience leadership styles in a work group activity
  • Identify acceptable behavioral “norm” for the workplace

Modules of Instruction:

  • Introduction
  • Mission Challenges – “The Big Picture”
  • Leadership and followership – MBTI
  • The Challenge of Change – CSI
  • Handling Interpersonal Relations – FIRO-B
  • Surviving the Workplace

Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program I:

Target Grades: Civilian AAW members GS-12/13 or broadband equivalent; Military AAW Captains and Majors; Staff Sergeants and Sergeants First Class
Course Length: 2.5 days (Virtual)

ALCP I focuses on the individual with emphasis on who they are and their behavioral preferences and leadership tendencies and if those preferences work for them now and can for the long term. A model for understanding the dynamics of leadership is presented with facilitated participant understanding of how a variety of psychological instruments results indicate how an individual approaches leadership challenges in a variety of scenarios.  The specific challenges of change, decision making and conflict resolution are addressed.

The instructional methodology uses a combination of:
– Assessment and Feedback
– Group Discussion
– Experiential Activities and Goal Setting
– Application to the group’s current challenges

Participants complete five credentialed assessments prior to and during class that will be introduced during key segments of the course to provide personal insight on how each individual is unique and how we apply our uniqueness to multiple leadership development applications.

ALCP I is targeted for those individuals in the organization who are now being asked to lead smaller groups and “worry about things other than themselves.”


  • Develop an awareness of individual leadership strengths, weaknesses,
    preferences, styles, and behaviors
  • Understand and apply “multiple ideas”
  • Learn a model for understanding and appreciating leadership challenges
  • Assess and understand preferred styles for approaching leadership in
    individual and team settings
  • Experience leadership styles in a work group activity with a shared and
    executable vision
  • Identify and understand key organizational cultural traits that impact the
    organization’s performance
  • Develop an awareness and appreciation for multigenerational and cross cultural environments
  • Create a list of attainable goals and practical strategies to reach them and
    appreciate the concept of life-long learning


  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • Change Style Indicator (CSI)
  • Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation – Behavior (FIRO-B)
  • Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Model (TKI)
  • Decision Style Profile (DSP)

Modules of Instruction:

  • Introduction
  • Leadership Styles – MBTI
  • Influence and Power – Decision Style Profile
  • Leading Across Generations
  • Building Resilience in the Changing AQ World – CSI
  • Managing Conflict in the workplace – TKI
  • Managing Interpersonal Relations – FIRO-B
  • Understanding Multiple Ideas
  • Understanding the Acquisition Enterprise
  • Understanding the Acquisition Culture

Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program II:

Target Grades: Civilian AAW members GS-14/15 or broadband equivalent; Military AAW Lieutenant Colonels and Colonels; Master Sergeants and First Sergeants
Course Length: 2.5 days (Virtual)

ALCP II focuses on the major challenge for new organizational leaders; to incorporate individual talents into a cohesive work force.  To be prepared to do so they need to understand the motivations, needs and interest of other people.  The goal is to bring each participant to a heightened self-awareness for better understanding and appreciation of different cultures and to promote a willingness to build intrinsic and extrinsic value in their organization.  Rather than trying to provide prescriptive answers to the management problem of the moment, this seminar will help prepare participants who already have significant challenges in an organization facing change.  It focuses on building a shared and executable vision and enhances self-awareness and engagement in continuous self-assessment, development, and fostering a commitment towards life-long learning.  The seminar will help prepare individuals for developing and implementing coherent strategies to lead organizational transformation in joint, interagency, multinational, and cross-cultural environments.  This program design highlights those competencies applicable for individuals moving into an environment where developing a strategic understanding of the moral, social, and ethical impact of the 21st century on information age organizations for successful Strategic Leadership are essential.

The instructional methodology uses a combination of:
– Assessment and Feedback
– Group Discussion
– Experiential Activities and Goal Setting
– Application to the group’s current challenges

Participants complete six credentialed assessments prior to and during class that will be introduced during key segments of the course to provide personal insight on how each individual is unique and how we apply our uniqueness to multiple leadership development applications.  Included in the LCP II is the Campbell Leadership Index – a comprehensive 360 feedback assessment.

ALCP II is targeted for those individuals in the organization who are in a group level of leadership. They are now being asked to manage an organization.


  • Reinforce and heighten an awareness of leadership strengths, weaknesses, preferences, styles, and behaviors
  • Embrace “multiple ideas”
  • Gain deeper insight into how personal style and preference impact individual, team, and organizational performance
  • Gain an understanding of the dynamics of conflict by learning to identify its nature, sources, and techniques to influence the outcome, especially in cross cultural environments
  • Improve group communication and develop strategies to lead organizational transformation, across multigenerational and cross cultural environments (to include joint, interagency, and multinational)
  • Explore how collaboration and effective peer relationship strengthens coherent strategies and organizational success with a shared and executable vision
  • Create a list of attainable goals and practical strategies to reach them and
    continue to appreciate life-long learning


  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • Change Style Indicator (CSI)
  • Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation – Behavior (FIRO-B)
  • Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Model (TKI)
  • Campbell Leadership Index (CLI) 360
  • Influence Style Indicator (ISI)

Modules of Instruction:

  • Introduction
  • Managing Leadership Styles – MBTI
  • Executing Change in the AQ World – CSI
  • The Dynamics of Conflict in the workplace – TKI
  • Creating Interpersonal Relations – FIRO-B
  • Applying your Influence Style – Influence Style Indicator
  • How others view you – CLI
  • Embracing Multiple Ideas
  • Leading Across the Acquisition Enterprise
  • Leading in the Acquisition Culture

Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program III:

Target Grades: Civilian AAW members GS-14/15 or broadband equivalent and Senior Executive Service Acquisition Professionals; Military AAW Lieutenant Colonels, Colonels and General Officers; Master Sergeants, First Sergeants, Sergeants Major and Command Sergeants Major
Course Length: 2.5 days (Virtual)

ALCP III is an opportunity for further sequential development of leadership skills in areas not heretofore included in ALCP I or II. The goal is to provide a focus on mentoring, coaching and feedback skill development as well as to measure and assess influence style and work engagement profiles. Much greater participant engagement is employed, including specific goal setting and comparison of improvements made in their leadership style and effectiveness through use of the Campbell Leadership Index (360).

Since people thrive on feedback and information and the first duty of a leader is to grow more leaders, the best leaders know how to provide it in a non-threatening manner. The best leaders know how to provide it in a non-threatening manner. ALCP III helps participants understand the characteristics of what it takes to successfully deliver and receive feedback, and understand and further develop coaching and mentoring skills by a practical application of “how to” elements.

Fine-tuning leadership’s ability to reach up, down and across the aisle for the sake of the overall good and that critical thinking, strong influencing skills and boundary spanning practices are critical to eliciting optimum individual performance. ALCP III is designed to address previously unmet leadership development needs.


  • Reinvigorate participants with integration, review and analysis of the interrelationships among the core Emotional Intelligence (EI) focus of LCP through instrumented
  • Explore and understand visible changes in leadership behaviors by analyzing results from a new administration of the Campbell Leadership Index (360 degree)
  • Measure individual level of work
  • Inculcate characteristics what it takes to successfully deliver and receive
  • Understand and further develop coaching and mentoring skills by a practical application of “how to”
  • Understand and apply knowledge required for leaders to understand the complexity and opportunity to lead in organizational


  • Work Engagement Profile (WEP)
  • Campbell Leadership Index (CLI) 360
  • Influence Style Indicator (ISI)

Modules of Instruction:

  • Program Opening, Introductions, Expected Outcomes
  • Understanding and Defining Your New Role
  • Power and Influence/Value Alignment
  • Influence Style Indicator – Use of Influence
  • Work Engagement – How Engaged Are You?
  • Multi-Rater Feedback – Connecting the Dots
  • Mentoring/Coaching/Feedback – Understanding the Continuum
  • Leader as Coach
  • Coaching Practicum
  • Organizational Culture – How Cultures Effect Individual Performance
  • Strategic Visioning – Thinking Across Boundaries
  • Next Steps – Application to Current Work Environment
  • Setting specific and measurable leadership goals

Application Process:

Army DACM Office Program Manager (PM) will coordinate directly with Organization Acquisition POCs (OAP) to fill quotas. Acquisition Career Management Advocates nominations should be provided to the designated command Lead OAPs. Each command/organization will be provided quotas to ALCP offerings based on command/organization size. ALCP will not be announced using AAPDS.


Darrell Whitehurst