General Program Information:

ECTDP are civilian leader talent management Senior and Entry/Mid-Level programs for GS-07 through GS-15 and equivalent employees. Administered by the Civilian Human Resources Agency (CHRA) Army Civilian Career Management Activity (ACCMA), ECTDP prepares participants for positions of greater responsibility in the Department of Army through advanced senior-level educational and experiential learning opportunities. ECTDP consists of multiple modules, and leadership development courses, and applicants may apply for one or more modules/courses for which they are qualified.

Selection for ECTDP Senior and Entry/Mid-Level modules/courses is linked to an applicant’s past and present duty performance, potential for leadership and career progression and the needs of the Army.  Commanders, supervisors, General Officers/Senior Executive Service (GO/SES) members and human resource directors at all levels should support the ECTDP application of candidates who represent the “best of the best”: high-performing senior civilian leaders with outstanding potential for assignment to positions of greater responsibility and impact across the Army.

Army civilians can log into the ACCMA Talent Development Application Portal at  https://secure.civilians.army.mil/TalentDev (CAC enabled) to apply for these great opportunities.  The ECTDP application cycle is open from March 1, 2025 through April 30, 2025.

Senior and Entry/Mid-Level Program Module Course Descriptions:

Senior-Level Program Modules – Grades 14/15 and equivalent broadband (Grade 13 by exception):

  • White House Leadership Development Program (WHLDP). Open to senior Army civilians in grade GS-15 (or equivalent); Sponsored by the Executive Office of the President and the President’s Management Council, the WHLDP aims to develop high potential GS-15 employees (and equivalents) to serve as part of the next generation of career senior executives.   During this one-year fellowship, participants work on the Federal government’s high impact challenges that require the coordination of multiple Federal agencies to succeed.  Selection to WHLDP is a three-phase process: 1) Self-nomination through Army nomination to DoD by the SETM Selection Board; 2) DoD Nominee Review Panel reviews the nominees from across the Department; and 3) selection for participation in WHLDP by a GSA Selection Committee.  A Continued Service Agreement (CSA) is required.  A utilization plan agreement is required for all TDY-and-Return; a Mobility Agreement (MOBA) IS NOT required. 
  • Army Senior Fellowship (ASF).  ASF is for senior Army civilians in grades GS-14/15 (or equivalent) who have graduated from a Senior Service War College.  ASF is a comprehensive study and utilization program designed to broaden the enterprise-wide perspective of participants.  Fellows engage in a 9-month development program consisting of graduate training and 12-month training with industry designed to build on their Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ).  Upon completion of ASF, fellows will return to their home organizations to leverage the competencies fostered in the program.  Participants will remain assigned to their command.  A CSA is required but a MOBA IS NOT required.  The number of applicants nominated is limited by Army quotas.
  • Defense Senior Leader Development Program (DSLDP).  DSLDP is open to senior Army civilians in grades GS-14/15 (or equivalent); DSLDP is DoD’s premier civilian leadership program. DSLDP is a 2-year comprehensive educational and developmental program designed to inculcate participants with the enterprise-wide perspective needed to lead organizations and programs and achieve results in the joint, interagency and multinational environments. DSLDP includes attendance at a SSC (Army participants will attend a component school other than AWC); defense-focused leadership seminars; and a developmental assignment.  Selection to DSLDP is a three-phase process: 1) Self-nomination through Army nomination to DoD by the SETM Selection Board; 2) DoD Nominee Review Panel; and 3) selection for participation in DSLDP is by a DoD Selection Panel. DSLDP graduates are subject to the GPP.  A CSA and a MOBA IS required. The number of applicants nominated is limited by DoD quotas.
  • Project-based SETM Temporary Duty (TDY) Assignments.  SETM-TDY is open to all senior Army civilians in grades GS-14/15 (or equivalent).  SETM-TDY participants will fill a short-term developmental assignment intended to challenge the participant and provide a “broadening” experience.  This SETM module consists of a TDY assignment to work on a special project nominated by a command or organization as part of a working group or “tiger team,” or to fill a “critical need” detail for a period not to exceed 179 days. Upon completion of the TDY assignment, participants return to their permanent duty stations.  A CSA is required but a MOBA IS NOT required.  The number of applicants selected for participation is limited only by available funding and compatible skill matching to the projects submitted.
  • Senior Service College (SSC). SSC is open to Army civilians in grades GS-14/15 (or equivalent).  By exception, GS-13 (Command and General Staff Officer Course (CGSOC) graduates only), are eligible to apply for SSC-Distance Education.  SSC is the apex of Army civilian education system and prepares senior Army civilians with outstanding potential for positions of significant responsibility in the DoD and Army.  SSC is designed to expand a student’s knowledge of the national security mission and strengthen the student’s understanding of complex policy and operational challenges senior DoD and Army officials face.  The SSCs develop students to assume strategic-level leadership roles in the joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational environments, with an emphasis on the employment of land power.  Army civilians will compete for allocated seats at: 1) the U.S. Army War College (resident or distance education course) – Carlisle, PA; 2) the Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy (acquisition or non-acquisition course) – Washington, DC; or 3) the Naval War College (senior level course) – Newport, RI.  Selection to SSC is a three-phase process: 1) Self-nomination through Army nomination to SSC by the SETM Selection Board; 2) SSC Academic Review Board reviews the nominees from across the Department; and 3) selection for participation in SSC is by the Academic Committee.  A continued service agreement is required.  A utilization plan agreement is required for TDY-and-Return OR a MOBA is required for the Graduate Placement Program (GPP).  The number of applicants selected for attendance at SSC is limited by the number of allocations provided by the AWC, TES or NWC.
  • Harvard Senior Executive Fellows (SEF). SEF is open to Army civilians in grades GS-14/15 (or equivalent).  The SEF program is designed to build executive skills in political and public management, negotiation, human resource management, policy-making, organizational strategy, communication, ethics and leadership.  The program teaches a strategic approach to problem solving by discovering ways to look at issues from new perspectives. Through class work, group work, and individual study, participants will practice strategic analysis daily until it becomes a natural ingrained response.  The program is targeted to Army Civilian managers at the GS-14/15 equivalent levels who have advanced rapidly into senior positions and are now required to focus on “the larger picture” of the organization.  A CSA is required and a MOBA IS NOT required.
  • Senior Manager’s Course in National Security Leadership (SMC). SMC is open to Army civilians in grades GS-14/15 (or equivalent).  SMC is a two-week course designed to prepare participants to lead their organizations in today’s complex and volatile international security environment. Through this course, senior leaders gain valuable insight into working with congress; understanding the U.S. National Security budget; Counterterrorism and counterinsurgency strategy; Cyberwarfare, Regional conflict and instability, Evaluating policy options and more.  Graduates of the program who complete a 15-to-20-page research paper on a topic related to the course are eligible to receive three graduate credits from the GW Elliott School of International Affairs, which may be applied toward a Master of International Policy and Practice degree.  A CSA is required and a MOBA IS NOT required.

Entry/Mid-Level Program Modules – Grades 07 thru GS-13 and equivalent broadband:

  • Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP).  DCELP is open to Army Civilians GS-07 thru GS-12 (or equivalent). DCELP is one of the premier Department of Defense (DoD) leader development program for civilians. The program consists of a series of 4 one-week in-resident sessions, assessment tools, knowledge transfer activities, participant writing and briefing projects, and individual coaching. DCELP institutes a competency-based approach for the deliberate development of individuals selected to the program with emphasis on Leading Self, Leading Teams and Projects, and Leading People as depicted on the DoD Civilian Leader Development Continuum. DCELP is comprised of two cohorts. The “Big 3” cohort is only open to Acquisition, Financial Management and Human Resources functional communities. The “Open” cohort is open to all functional communities and solicited through commands. A CSA and MOBA are not required.
  • Command and General Staff Officer Course (CGSOC).  CGSOC is open to Army civilians in grades GS-13 (or equivalent) (GS-12 by exception).  CGSOC prepares senior Army civilians for positions of significant responsibility in the Department of the Army.  Applicants who will compete for allocated seats at the U.S. Army CGSOC: 1) Fort Leavenworth, KS (Resident or Satellite); 2) Fort Belvoir, VA (Satellite); or 3) Redstone Arsenal, AL (Satellite).  Applicants can also apply to attend the College of Naval Command & Staff Program (CNC&S) in-residence Intermediate Level Course at the Naval War College (NWC-ILC) in Newport, RI.  On completion of the program, graduates are placed in positions intended to leverage the competencies fostered at CGSOC.  A continued service agreement is required.  A utilization plan agreement is required for TDY-and-Return OR a MOBA is required for the Graduate Placement Program (GPP).  The number of applicants selected for attendance is limited by the number of allocations provided by CGSOC and CNC&S.
  • Executive Leader Development Program (ELDP).  ELDP is open to Army civilians in grades GS-12/13 (or equivalent).  ELDP provides participants with an extensive exposure to the roles and mission of the entire DoD.  The ELDP program is a 10-month training program.  During the program, participants travel to a variety of locations worldwide to train with Warfighters and experience first-hand many challenges the DoD components face in carrying out their mission.  ELDP is both physically challenging and mentally demanding.  Selection to ELDP is a three-phase process: 1) Self-nomination through Army nomination to DoD by the ETM Selection Board; 2) DoD Nominee Review Panel; and 3) selection for participation in DSLDP is by a DoD Selection Panel.  Participants remain in their permanent position and return to their home stations between field deployments.  A CSA is required but a MOBA IS NOT required.  The number of applicants nominated is limited by DoD quotas.
  • Leadership Shadowing Experience. The ETM Shadowing Assignments module is open to select Army civilians in grade GS-13 (or equivalent).  ETM shadowing participants will accompany and observe an SES/GS-15 leader in their daily work environment for up to 20 workdays.  The benefits of shadowing include experiencing what it is like to work as a senior civilian at the Army enterprise level, having the ability to ask questions while the senior leader goes about their daily activities, and validating perceptions about a particular field of work.  A selected ETM Shadowing participant can have up to two shadowing assignments total during the course of the FY for which they are selected.  However, applicants selected for the ETM Shadowing module are not eligible to receive an ETM Shadowing assignment concurrent with their participation in CGSOC or ELDP.  A CSA is required and a MOBA IS NOT required.  The number of applicants who may be selected for participation in ETM shadowing is based on Army resources.
  • Project-based ETM TDY assignments.  The ETM TDY module is open to all senior Army civilians in grade GS-13 (or equivalent) who apply and are selected for participation.  ETM-TDY participants will fill a short-term developmental assignment on special projects as a member of a working group, a Tiger Team or will fill critical need details for a period not-to-exceed 90 days. The benefits of an ETM-TDY assignment include a new and challenging opportunity in a different work environment and a broadening experience at the Army Enterprise level. Upon completion of the TDY assignment, participants return to their permanent duty stations.  A CSA is required and a Mobility Agreement IS NOT required.  The number of applicants selected for participation is limited only by available funding and compatible skill matching to the projects submitted.

FY25 ECTDP Application Timeline:

March 1, 2025: Senior and Entry/Mid-Level Programs open for applications
April 30, 2025: Deadline for Applicant and Rater/Endorser Assessment
May 1 – May 30, 2025: Command Board meets
June 1 – June 30, 2025: Functional Chief Representative (FCR) Board meets
September 15, 2025: Final selections published for all programs except DSLDP/SSC
December 2025/January 2026: Final selections published for DSLDP/SSC

Application Instructions:

Applicants for both Senior and Mid/Entry-Level programs will apply through the ACCMA Talent Development Application Portal at  https://secure.civilians.army.mil/TalentDev (CAC enabled). Additional information about the ECTDP programs, as well as instructions on how to apply, will be available on the portal March 1, 2025 – April 30, 2025.

Applications submitted in the Application Portal will generate an email to the first-line supervisor and first General/Flag Officer or SES in the chain of command for endorsements. Applicant and Rater/Endorser must submit complete applications April 30, 2025. Command boards will review all applications and provide their order-of-merit list May 30, 2025. Army Commands, Army Service Component Commands, Direct Reporting Units and/or Separate Organizations, Functional Chief Representatives (FCR) and Career Program Managers (CPM) will be able to access applications and conduct boards using the Application Portal.  FCR and CPM are responsible for reviewing / endorsing their respective career program applications in the Application portal by June 30, 2025.

HQDA Selection Board will complete application review July 30, 2025 and complete interviews in August 2025. Results will be published on or about September 15, 2025 except for DSLDP and SSC which will be posted in December 2025/January 2026.

USAASC Command Representative Contact:

Should you have any questions pertaining to these competitive developmental opportunities, please contact:

Christina Lindh
AAW Engagement Branch
USAASC, Army DACM Office