*** The DACM Office is currently evaluating the EEL program to better meet the needs of the Army acquisition workforce. Please check back for updates. ***


Emerging Enterprise Leader (EEL) Program

The United States Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) Army DACM Office is pleased to announce the yearly Emerging Enterprise Leader Development (EEL) program.  Information about the program, the eligibility requirements and how to apply are listed below.  All TDY costs for the program (including tuition, travel, room and meals) will be centrally funded by the DACM Office.


The EEL program is an effort to expand the Army’s enterprise leadership development efforts to emerging leaders at the GS-11/12 levels.  The program is a one year developmental program, which provides aspiring leaders in the grades GS-11 and GS-12 (or broadband equivalent) within the Program Executive Offices (PEOs) and USAASC Headquarters with specialized junior leader development. The USAASC Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) Emerging Enterprise Leader (EEL) program meets the standards in accordance with Army Directive 2017-14 (Department of the Army Emerging Enterprise Leader Development Program), signed on June 28, 2017.  The EEL initiative is an effort to expand the Army’s enterprise leadership development efforts to emerging leaders at the GS-11/12 levels.

As the Army Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office, the USAASC is responsible for the career and leader development of our approximately 40,000 Army Acquisition Workforce professionals, we have professional and leader development opportunities to start building the bench of trained, capable, future Army Acquisition enterprise leaders early.  Taking into account the Army DACM Office leader development program portfolio of opportunities, the EEL program is a combination of those leader development opportunities already in place and critical gap adjustments with the requirements of enterprise leader development.

The intent of EEL is to broaden USAASC DRU participants’ perspectives and build leadership competencies early in their Army careers. The objective of the program is to identify and develop a community of prospective future enterprise leaders who will have a full understanding of the Army’s vision and mission. The EEL program will inspire, motivate and enlighten the Army’s next generation of enterprise leaders.  Since the USAASC DRU is primarily an acquisition community, there will be a heavy acquisition component to the EEL program.

The Army DACM Office has a viable framework that meets the four-prong program approach required by Army.  The program addresses the four dimensions required by Army EEL guidance – Mentoring, Team-Based Problem Solving; Self-Development; and Developmental Assignments.  The USAASC framework:

TARGETED AUDIENCE:  GS 11/12 (Broadband equivalent)

FUNDING:  All TDY costs for the program (including tuition, travel, room and meals) will be centrally funded by the USAASC/DACM Office.

TIMEFRAME:  This is a one-year program (one-week session per quarter)

To be determined.


  • Be nominated/selected by the first COL/GS-15 in your command structure.
  • The allocation is 1-2 high performing individuals per PEO.
  • Must be a permanent civilian member within USAASC.
  • Be in the grade of GS-11 or GS-12 (or equivalent).
  • GS-11s will be, at a minimum, Level I certified in their current acquisition position. GS-12s must meet certification requirements for their current acquisition position by the date of application submission.
  • Have completed a 2-year probationary period.
  • Meet the Civilian Education System (CES) requirement; completed appropriate CES courses or have equivalency; or have a valid reservation that will meet the requirement prior to program start.
  • Have served not less than 1 year at current grade/broadband level.
  • GS-12s must have a recent SRPE (within 1 year of board convene date) or current performance rating of fully successful or higher.
  • May not be registered in the Priority Placement Program (PPP).


  • GS-12 (SRPE)
  • ACRB

To be determined.



Ms. Joyce B. Junior
Workforce Development and Engagement
USAASC, Army DACM Office
