The Leadership Excellence and Acquisition Development (LEAD) program is the premier 24 month leadership development program offering expanded training through a series of education, leader development and broadening assignments to build skills required for positions of greater responsibility.

Key Dates
Announcement Opening Date: November 4, 2024
Announcement Closing Date: December 20, 2024
Board Review Date: January 2025
Board Results: February 2025
Orientation Commences: Feb/March 2025
First developmental assignment begins: April 2025
LEAD In The News

The focus of the LEAD program is to develop high performing and high leadership potential acquisition personnel toward a future goal of obtaining an Acquisition Key Leadership Position.
- Mentors: LEAD participants, along with their parent Command and with assistance from the LEAD Program Manager (LPM), are responsible for finding mentors to assist in career development and provide guidance throughout the assignment period. A senior (GS-15 or SES) mentor is required. A roster of eligible mentors will be provided prior to Orientation.
- Table of Distribution (TDA): LEAD participants will be assigned to a centrally-funded position on the U. S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) TDA. LEAD program graduates will secure post utilization assignments and/or invoke organizational return rights to original parent organization.
- Developmental Assignments: LEAD consists of three Phases, each with a developmental assignment. Developmental assignments in Phases I and III shall be conducted in the participants’ geographic location where they are permanently stationed. Phase II includes a six-month developmental assignment at the Pentagon for which TDY will be required and centrally funded by USAASC. (Note: Individuals geographically located in the Washington Local Area, as defined in DoDI 4515.14 Washington Local Commuting Area with C2, are not authorized central funds for the extended TDY.)
- Graduation: Graduation from the LEAD program requires successful completion of all mandatory program training requirements and developmental assignments, submission of an article for publication consideration in the Army AL&T magazine and application to the ASA(ALT) GS-14 Product Director Centralized Selection Board.
Applicants must meet ALL of the following requirements, at time of application:
- Be a current civilian member of the Department of the Army Acquisition Workforce with Career status.
- Be a GS-13 (or high performing GS-12) or broadband equivalent.
- DAWIA certified IAW their current acquisition functional area requirements, AND DAWIA certified Practitioner in Program Management. Certifications must be documented on ACRB, Section X.
How to Apply
The application process is located online in the Army Acquisition Professional Development System (AAPDS). To access AAPDS, please login to the Career Acquisition Management Portal (CAMP) and click on Career Acquisition Personnel and Position Management Information System (CAPPMIS). Once in CAPPMIS, click the “AAPDS” tab, then select the “Application Module” link.
The documents identified below in the Required Application Documents paragraph must be submitted in in AAPDS in order to receive consideration. Incomplete applications will be ineligible.
- Complete online applications must be finalized and submitted by established dates.
- Late applications will not be accepted.
- Applications are subject to verification.
Required Documents
- Acquisition Career Record Brief (ACRB)
- Senior Rater Potential Evaluation (SRPE)
- Command Endorsement and Organizational Right to Return Forms
AAPDS pulls the latest version of your ACRB automatically into your application. Ensure your ACRB is updated and correct prior to submission of application. Applicants may update and correct specific fields of their ACRB using the edit functions within CAPPMIS. For the areas in the ACRB that cannot be changed by the Applicant, please request assistance using the CAPPMIS Help Desk HERE. Applicants should pay particular attention to the training, education, and assignment history sections of the ACRB, ensuring that the information is accurate. The training section should only reflect top level relevant training completed; recommend not including any DAU continuous learning training or annual Army required training.
The SRPE is a critical piece of the application. In accordance with Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) SRPE Policy and SRPE Guidance, dated July 1, 2020, the applicant’s Senior Rater (SR) is the rater of the employee’s rater. The SR must be a supervisor and senior in grade/organizational position to the rated employee.
The Command Endorsement must be prepared and signed by a General Officer or Senior Executive Service member within your command. The original Organizational Return Rights document (DA Form 5414) must be signed by the applicant and the General Officer or Senior Executive Service member of your command. Once signed, the documents must be scanned and uploaded into the online application system (AAPDS).
The forms are available to download:
- Organizational Return Rights *** TO OPEN THIS FILE: This is a secured file and will display in the Adobe browser extension by default. It must be downloaded to open. To download the file, click the download icon in the top right corner of the Adobe menu bar and save to your desktop. Right click the file on the desktop and select ”Edit with Adobe Acrobat”. Once it opens, click on “Enable All Features” on the yellow banner in Adobe. ***
- Command Endorsement Memorandum
- In 4000 characters or less, please describe your reasons for applying to the LEAD program and the benefits the Army will gain by your acceptance.
- Clearly articulate your goals, desired career path, and how the LEAD program will help you achieve those goals.
- Upload your resume using this format.
- RESUMES MAY NOT EXCEED 3 PAGES and must be submitted in a .pdf format.
- This is the applicant’s opportunity to highlight educational achievements, work experiences, skills, and accomplishments, which are key indicators to the preparation for and success as an acquisition professional.
- Applicants should also highlight their qualities and strengths instead of listing responsibilities. Ensure experience descriptions and dates match those in the ACRB.
A Continued Service Agreement is required to participate in the LEAD Program. You may download the template HERE.
Selection Process
All eligible applicants are reviewed by a Best Qualified Selection Board, will will determine the suggested Order of Merit List (OML), on behalf of the Army Director Acquisition Career Management (DACM).
The LEAD Program Manager is:
Ms. Kim Gibbons