SHOULDERING THE BURDEN: Sgt. Elijah Tovar with the 2nd Squadron of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment Fox Crew, prepares to launch an RQ-11 Raven drone to conduct surveillance in the training…
SHOULDERING THE BURDEN: Sgt. Elijah Tovar with the 2nd Squadron of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment Fox Crew, prepares to launch an RQ-11 Raven drone to conduct surveillance in the training…
A LOOK INSIDE: Young Bang, principal deputy assistant secretary for the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology joins Darryl Colvin, joint program executive officer for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear…
by Cheryl Marino FORT BELVOIR, Va. (Oct. 3, 2024) — Capturing useful emerging technology and integrating it into modernization requires a deliberate and strategic approach. The Assistant Secretary of…
BASIC CBRN TRAINING: U.S. Army Spc. James Collins, 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, secures his mask during a comprehensive CBRN training held by Headquarters and Headquarters Battery on…
PUTTING AI TO THE TEST: Soldiers assigned to the 6th Squadron, 8th Cavalry Regiment, and the Artificial Intelligence Integration Center, conduct drone test flights and software troubleshooting during Allied Spirit…
TAKING NO RISKS: U.S. Marines from the Chemical & Biological Incident Response Force (CBIRF) participate in a Product Manager Risk Reduction activity at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland in October 2023….
A CORE CATEGORY: Contracting is one of the six major functional areas in the Back-to-Basics framework. Col. Daphne Austin, right, 410th Contracting Support Brigade commander, takes Megan Dake, middle, the…
TAKING FIRST PLACE: Matt Willis, Ph.D., left, director of Army Prize Competitions and Army SBIR Program, awards Steve Cameron, Enveil, Inc. chief of customer service, a first-place award for xTechPrime’s…
ON TRACK: As new data sources become available, so must methods to track data from those sources. (Photo by Anete Lusina, Pexels) Data transportation and maintenance: Getting battlefield…
MAINTAINING SUPPLY: The Army Climate Strategy aims at establishing a road map for building resilient supply chains while also achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. (Photo by Cottonbro Studio,…
TAKE AIM: A sniper rifle atop a recycled textile sorbent mat during a demonstration of the DOD STED program at Fort Moore, Georgia. (Photo by George Handy) Utilizing…
HARD CASE: The interior of the Negatively Pressurized CONEX at the Center for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills in Omaha, Nebraska, in June 2023. The NPC was developed using…
by Ashley M. Kestner The U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) congratulates the Soldiers listed below for their selection into the 51C military occupational specialty (MOS)—contracting noncommissioned officer…
A FUTURE SYSTEM: Pvt. Bailey Ward, 87th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, fires an M320 grenade launcher during a qualification event at Fort Stewart, Georgia, Nov. 8, 2023. The Precision Grenadier…
EFFICIENT WITH FIRE: Open burning of inoperable ammunition at Letterkenny Munitions Center. (Photo by Letterkenny Munitions Center) Determining alternative technology solutions for the Army’s disposal of excess, obsolete…
by Angela Sanson FORT BELVOIR, Va. — The U.S. Army’s innovative spirit and commitment to acquisition excellence were recognized with three major awards at the prestigious 2023 Defense…
KEEP AT IT: As leaders, we have to give folks the breadth and depth of experience necessary to meet the increasing demands of our profession. (Image by Gerd Altmann, Pixabay)…
An Army civilian pursues a change in career path at age 55. by Thomas LaFontaine They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. This idiom has…
CELEBRATING 60 YEARS: PM CCS celebrated 60 Years as one of the longest tenured PM offices in the Army. (Photo by Todd Mozes, Chugach) How PM Close Combat…
KNOWLEDGE THROUGH INDUSTRY: Through the PPTE program, participants will gain a better understanding how industry and government work together by promoting increased communication and the sharing of best practices. (Photo…
The Army is partnering with George Mason University to research new machine learning methods to predict future workforce trends and requirements. by Rebecca Wright Staffing shortages have become…
A new robotics team is hoping that with Picatinny Arsenal’s help, it can get a wider range of youngsters involved in STEM. by Cheryl Marino Science, technology, engineering…
ARMY ATC: The U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center Automotive Directorate plans, conducts, analyzes and reports the results of developmental tests, production tests, and other tests specifically focused in the areas…
SHOW ’EM HOW IT’S DONE: A Soldier operates the wearable version of the Tactical Biological Detector in the field. (Photo by Gabriella White, U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical…
STRETCHING INTO THE FUTURE: (Photo by Karolina Grabowska, Pexels) Creating cultures that embrace the changing nature of work. by Mika J. Cross The federal workplace has undergone a…
AND THE AAE AWARD GOES TO: The 2023 Army Acquisition Executive (AAE) awards for excellence in leadership will be presented during a ceremony in January 2024. (Image by tomertu, Adobe…
YIN AND YANG: The yin and yang depict two opposite but interconnected, mutually perpetuating forces: One is unsustainable without the other. (Image by Peterschreiber.Media via Adobe Stock) PEO…
TAILOR YOUR CAST: Employers need to tailor their hiring approach to fit the group they are targeting. Just as different types of bait attract different fish, millennials and Gen Z…
DATA ARCHITECTURE: Through the use of data architecture, data architects can achieve data individuality, cataloging, discovery, accessibility, governance, analytics and retention periods with a well-planned and optimized data storage capability….
FORWARD FOCUS: There is no one-size-fits-all approach to implementing work flexibility or modernizing the federal workforce. Focusing on the data and how it ultimately impacts the mission will be key…
CHOOSE YOUR TOOLS WISELY: The hard work of transitioning the workforce to the new Back-to-Basics model is over, but a lot more is still to come with regards to communication,…
BUSINESS AS (UN)USUAL: The White House Office of Management and Budget re-entry plan includes a substantial return to in-person work. The plan seeks to “strengthen and empower the federal workforce,…
Photo by panumas nikhomkhai, Pexels The Army’s new chief information officer discusses his vision for the OCIO and getting the right data to Soldiers. by Jacqueline M. Hames…
SOUP’S ON: Technical terminology can sometimes feel like a digital alphabet soup, but the Army now offers tools to help its civilian workforce members increase their understanding of the latest…
THE JOURNEY: Like any well-planned journey, digital transformation requires a clear roadmap and guidance. (Image by Ryan McGuire, Pixabay) The Army promotes a culture of learning by providing…
XM30 COMBAT VEHICLE: The XM30 Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle, shown here in a conceptual illustration, will be the Army’s replacement for the aging M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle. (Image courtesy of…