MAKING LIGHT WORK: Polymer-cased rounds like these, used in a recent Marine Corps training exercise, are 30% lighter than their brass counterparts, reducing the weight that warfighters have to transport….
MAKING LIGHT WORK: Polymer-cased rounds like these, used in a recent Marine Corps training exercise, are 30% lighter than their brass counterparts, reducing the weight that warfighters have to transport….
PRODUCTION CHAIN: To ensure sustainability of its supply chains, the Army needs to recognize essential supply chain imperatives such as investing in tools and processes, building alternative source capabilities and…
CLASS ACTION: Macam Dattathreya, Ph.D., chief engineer at the DEVCOM Ground Vehicle Systems Center, leads a class on digital engineering for civilians and Soldiers assigned to the NGCV CFT at…
BUILDING A DIGITAL WAREHOUSE: FOSS can be compared to a massive warehouse with digital building blocks that can be assembled into custom solutions to meet operational needs. (Photo by Staff…
BA-08 pilot is vital for safeguarding Army’s information networks. by Jared D. Auchey, Lt. Col., USA (Ret.) The Single Appropriation Pilot for Software and Digital Technology Budget Activity (BA)…
STRENGTH IN NUMBERS: From left: William Dorman, Paul Kallgren, Maj. John Sellers, Dr. Chris Stefan, and Capt. Ian Davis of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases Diagnostic…
by Cheryl Marino FORT BELVOIR, Va. (April 26, 2024) — Often when you think of “green,” it is forest preservation, clean water, environmental protection, wildlife and sustainable fishing—not the…
TIME IS TISSUE: U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers assigned to the 412th Civil Affairs Battalion and 5-159th Bourbon Dustoff conduct a medical evacuation simulation training exercise during Operation Viking at Muscatatuck,…
GOING ELECTRIC: An electric vehicle charging station is located near the Regional Network Enterprise Center on Fort Carson, Colorado. As part of its plan to field an all-electric fleet of…
RESCUE POWER: The H2Rescue, a zero-emission, hydrogen fuel cell-powered emergency vehicle, can travel 180 miles to an area experiencing disaster. Once on site, the vehicle can provide heat, water and…
CELEBRATING IN GERMANY: GENM-O members participate in a ribbon cutting at the Sembach Kaserne U.S. Army post in Germany, Aug. 29, 2023. Sembach Kaserne, within the Kaiserslautern district, is the…
(Graphic provided by PEO EIS) The evolution and impact of MilTech. by Melissa Westcott and Jacqueline M. Hames In the dynamic realm of defense operations, DOD continually seeks to…
SUN ENERGY: An Energy Resilience and Conservation Investment Program solar microgrid project at Fort Hunter Liggett, California, is managed by the Sacramento District. A fiscal 2016 ERCIP project added additional…
BLUE SKIES AHEAD: The ITE program will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions—the T901 saves 45,000 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions annually per aircraft. (Photo by Oleksandr P, Pexels) …
TRND-ING AT THE SYMPOSIUM: Veronica Copp stands with her poster outlining TRND capabilities and objectives at the Department of Defense Energy and Environment Innovation Symposium, held Nov. 28 through Dec….
TWO FIGHTS, ONE TECH: Soldiers depend on technology that will provide them with strategic advantages needed to protect our nation and defeat enemies. With the help of ASA(ALT)-led programs, Soldiers…
PRACTICE ROUND: Special Forces Soldiers assigned to 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) detonate a charge during training in Estonia, April 2023. The Army hopes to reuse munitions waste products within…
LESSONS LEARNED: The Army is using lessons learned from initial Command Post Integrated Infrastructure experiments and tests to integrate new command post capabilities onto a JLTV variant. The integrated JLTV…
MODERN METHODOLOGIES: Modern software development methodologies promise enhanced capabilities by prioritizing rapid delivery of solutions, adaptability and collaboration with users, ensuring that software products are not only functional but also…
ON TRACK: As new data sources become available, so must methods to track data from those sources. (Photo by Anete Lusina, Pexels) Data transportation and maintenance: Getting battlefield…
TAKE AIM: A sniper rifle atop a recycled textile sorbent mat during a demonstration of the DOD STED program at Fort Moore, Georgia. (Photo by George Handy) Utilizing…
HARD CASE: The interior of the Negatively Pressurized CONEX at the Center for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills in Omaha, Nebraska, in June 2023. The NPC was developed using…
EFFICIENT WITH FIRE: Open burning of inoperable ammunition at Letterkenny Munitions Center. (Photo by Letterkenny Munitions Center) Determining alternative technology solutions for the Army’s disposal of excess, obsolete…
A new robotics team is hoping that with Picatinny Arsenal’s help, it can get a wider range of youngsters involved in STEM. by Cheryl Marino Science, technology, engineering…
SHOW ’EM HOW IT’S DONE: A Soldier operates the wearable version of the Tactical Biological Detector in the field. (Photo by Gabriella White, U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical…
YIN AND YANG: The yin and yang depict two opposite but interconnected, mutually perpetuating forces: One is unsustainable without the other. (Image by Peterschreiber.Media via Adobe Stock) PEO…
DATA ARCHITECTURE: Through the use of data architecture, data architects can achieve data individuality, cataloging, discovery, accessibility, governance, analytics and retention periods with a well-planned and optimized data storage capability….
Photo by panumas nikhomkhai, Pexels The Army’s new chief information officer discusses his vision for the OCIO and getting the right data to Soldiers. by Jacqueline M. Hames…
SOUP’S ON: Technical terminology can sometimes feel like a digital alphabet soup, but the Army now offers tools to help its civilian workforce members increase their understanding of the latest…
THE JOURNEY: Like any well-planned journey, digital transformation requires a clear roadmap and guidance. (Image by Ryan McGuire, Pixabay) The Army promotes a culture of learning by providing…
XM30 COMBAT VEHICLE: The XM30 Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle, shown here in a conceptual illustration, will be the Army’s replacement for the aging M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle. (Image courtesy of…
FERMENTATION IN VATS: DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center’s Biomanufacturing Facility can scale biomanufacturing processes in up to 1,000-liter fermentation vats. Once a process is proven at this level, it can be…
FUTURE VERTICAL LIFT: Engineers turned to digital engineering to release a model of the barrage relay radio model to the greater DOD community, which is being used by the aviation…
WORK HARD FOR THE MONEY: Under the GS pay system, salary increases are dictated by time in grade—but with AcqDemo, employees are paid based on their contributions to the organization’s…
WORKING IN TANDEM: Soldiers demonstrate the practical application of the Soldier-Borne Sensor, Nett Warrior and artificial intelligence, working in tandem to enhance the situational awareness of the Soldier. Nett Warrior…
THE FORGE: BEFORE At Watervliet Arsenal, New York, a cannon tube is being processed through the current rotary forge. Watervliet Arsenal plans to replace the forge with a new, more…