How can I get the Acquisition Position Category (APC)/Acquisition Career Field (ACF) changed on my ACRB?

Section I (Current Position Data) of your ACRB reflects the career field and level required of your position. If you feel that your Acquisition coding is incorrect, please discuss with your supervisor. Your administrative personnel (ex.,G-1, HR) can make the change at the “Manager” tab within CPOL. Once in the Employee Data section, the change is made in the “Acquisition Update Tool”. If the change was successful, the word “Pending” will appear in the Status column beside the field that was changed. It will take 24-48 hours before the change becomes effective in DCPDS. Once the change is made in DCPDS, your new career field/category will be updated in CAPPMIS during the twice monthly data transfer between DCPDS and CAPPMIS.