How do I add Non-DAU courses/training to my ACRB?

In order to receive Continuous Learning Points and/or to add the courses to your ACRB, you will first need to add them under the “Other Training” section of your IDP.

  1. Log into CAMP at
  2. Click on CAPPMIS on the navigation bar
  3. Click on the “IDP” tab
  4. Click on “IDP Documents” and then “IDP How to Guide for Employees”

Once your supervisor has awarded the CLPs, the points will be totaled and shown on the front page of your IDP and in Section X of your ACRB. If you also want the training to be listed in Section VI (Acq/Leader Training) of your ACRB, log into CAPPMIS, click on the “ACRB” tab and then on “Edit ACRB”. Then click on Section VI – Acq/Leader Training, click on the check box next to the course you want to be displayed on the ACRB, and then click the “Save” button. To remove a course from the ACRB, uncheck the check box and click the “Save” button. Repeat this process, until you have all completed courses you want listed on your ACRB.