There is reciprocity among all Department of Defense (DoD) organizations with respect to DAWIA certifications. The Army DACM Office will recognize and accept DAWIA certifications issued by other military departments, defense agencies, and field activities of the DoD, as long as the certification was appropriately awarded and the AAW professional provides sufficient proof of certification. he requesting AAW professional must forward an electronic copy of the proof of certification through CAPPMIS to the Army DACM Office Help Desk ( Depending on the supporting documentation that the AAW professional furnishes, the Army DACM Office will update the CAPPMIS database, using FAI or the appropriate DoD (Navy, Air Force or 4th Estate) DACM as the official Certifying Official.
For more information, please see the “Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act Certification Policy for the Army Acquisition Workforce” which can be found in the DACM Policy Library (