What are Continuous Learning Points (CLP)?

The Department of Army Continuous Learning Policies can be found at //asc.army.mil/web/alt-workforce-policy-procedure/. The purpose of the policy is to ensure acquisition professionals develop and stay current in leadership and functional acquisition skills. Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) may be awarded for completion of acquisition academic courses, training courses, professional activities, or professional experience. The policy on continuous learning for the AL&TWF requires each workforce member (military and civilian) earn 40 CLPs every year as a goal and 80 CLPs being mandatory within 2 years. The CLP glide path is as follows: attain at least 5 CLPs in the 1st quarter; attain at least 10 CLPs in the 2nd quarter; attain at least 20 CLPs in the 3rd quarter; and attain at least 40 CLPs in the 4th quarter. Refer to CLP-2 for further information regarding how to obtain CLPs.