The SRPE form mentions that an employee may file a reclama. However, the policy does not mention who hears the reclama, or how the responding official responds to the employee’s reclama. Also, if the decision is made to change the potential, who makes the system change and how does this play into the less than 50% mandate?

This provision is a new to the SRPE process, as requested by Army Office of General Counsel (OGC). Essentially, the SRPE remains in the CAMP/CAPPMIS system until such time as the AAW member applies for one of the BQ positions/acquisition leader development opportunities (i.e. CSL Board, CDG/AAF and some SSCs). The SRPE would be submitted by the AAW to the Selection Board, as part of their application process. If the AAW member did not concur with the SRPE that was prepared, he/she would “click” Reclama and upload a Memorandum For Record (MFR) which would indicate his/her non-concurrence, with reason. It would not change the rating/profile of the SR, it would simply enable the board to review disputing comments during their review process.