I have made an error in preparing the SRPE for one of my employees. How do I go about making changes after the SRPE has been deemed final, and subsequently “locked” from enabling additional updates?

After an employee signs and submits their SRPE or after the seven (7) day wait period ends, SRPEs may not be unlocked without the written approval of the Deputy DACM (DDACM). All unlock requests must be submitted in writing and uploaded as an attachment via the Help Request link, https://apps.asc.army.mil/camp/index.cfm?fuseaction=support.helpRequest. In the Unlock SRPE Request, please include the name of the PEO/Command, the name of the rated employee, and the justification/reason for the SRPE Unlock Request. The unlock SRPE request will be routed to the Army DDACM for approval/disapproval.