How are the class priorities set for the DAU courses?

Individuals are considered for DAU courses according to the priorities as listed below.  Priorities 1 thru 4 are restricted to employees currently serving in an acquisition position.

  1. Priority 1: Mandatory for certification in the Career Field and Level required of your current position.
  2. Priority 2: Next higher career level in the same career field that is required of your current position.
  3. Priority 3: Cross-functional training in a different career field than what is required of your current position.
  4. Priority 4: Previously taken or certified.
  5. Priority 5: Non-acquisition workforce (to include Foreign Local Nationals).

For priorities 1 to 4: The information in Section I (Current Position Data) of your Acquisition Career Record Brief (ACRB), specifically the Category and Certification Level Required, is used to determine the priority of your DAU Course application. If your ACRB is inaccurate, it will lead to an improper prioritization.