What is the DAU “No-show” Policy?

If a student cannot attend a DAU class for which they have a reservation, they must officially cancel their application.  The student must submit their cancellation request through AITAS at https://www.atrrs.army.mil/aitas/ and USAASC must approve the request.  To prevent a “no-show” from being recorded, all three steps must be completed at least 30 days prior to the start date of the class (or 30 days prior to reservation cut-off date on classes that have pre-work).  If a student is recorded as a “no-show”, an email notification will be sent to the student and the supervisor requesting a justification.  Employee and supervisor justifications must be received within 28 days of the notification.  If it is determined that a valid reason exists for the student “no-show”, sanctions will not be imposed against the student.  (NOTE:  Mission, unless extremely exceptional in nature, is not a valid justification for a “no-show”).  If, however, a “no-show” status is imposed, the student will be denied registration for future offerings of the course for a period of three months following the occurrence.  The complete “No-show” Policy is available at //asc.army.mil/docs/programs/dau/DAU_Training_Policy_&_Procedures.pdf.