By Michael Bold
FORT BELVOIR, Va. (April 24, 2019)—“Building the Acquisition Team”—creating the best possible workforce to supply our warfighters with the best possible capabilities—is the theme of the Spring 2019 issue of Army AL&T magazine. In it, read about:
How Dr. Bruce D. Jette, the assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology (ASA(ALT)) and the Army acquisition executive, sees this critical time of Army modernization as an opportunity to modernize the acquisition enterprise and effect the changes that will ensure not only that we build the best acquisition team to meet the needs of future warfighters, but also meet the challenges of the marketplace, in “BUILDING THE ARMY ACQUISITION TEAM.”
The Army Rapid Capabilities Office (now the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office, or RCCTO) and the Project Manager for Electronic Warfare and Cyber teamed up to address an urgent need for U.S. Army Europe and, in the process, set an award-winning example of phased prototyping, experimentation and fielding with creative resourcing, in “THE MAKING OF A PACKARD.”
The need is clear: Army acquisition must no longer be process-oriented, time-consuming and risk-averse, taking years to deliver a product. Enter the dynamic duo of middle-tier acquisition and other transaction authorities, in “THE NEED FOR SPEED.”
The Program Executive Office for Command, Control and Communications – Tactical, the first in a series of profiles of ASA(ALT) organizations, in “ASA(ALT) AT WORK.”
When supplying partner nations through foreign military sales, the best possible equipment may not always be the best possible solution, in “RADIO ANASOC.”
Dr. John P. Kotter, who first as a Harvard Business School professor and now as a consultant, has become the go-to authority on leadership and organizational change, in “CHANGE AGENT.”
How the Combat Casualty Care Research Program of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command is working to make its “Stop the Bleed” campaign—training to treat traumatic hemorrhage—as ubiquitous as CPR training, in “‘STOP THE BLEED’: The Simple Art of Saving Lives.”
Be sure to check out our new platform for the Army AL&T e-magazine, at https://asc.army.mil/web/publications/army-alt-magazine/. It’s the same great publication but on a spiffed-up site that makes it easier to read, share and save the commentary, analyses and workforce development news you rely on and contribute. In addition to making Army AL&T easy to navigate on a desktop computer, the new platform uses a mobile-friendly format to make the magazine just as easy to read on a smartphone or tablet.
Also, remember that Army AL&T is built on contributions from you, the Army Acquisition Workforce. For more information on how to publish an article in Army AL&T magazine or a Faces of the Force submission, visit //asc.army.mil/web/publications/ to see our writers guidelines, upcoming deadlines and themes.
Don’t forget to check out ASA(ALT) for news and information at the acquisition leadership level!
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