AMC Chief Technology Officer seeking nominations for Army’s Greatest Innovation Awards Program

By December 7, 2015General

The U.S. Army Materiel Command, in partnership with the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology, is seeking nominations for the 2015 Army’s Greatest Innovation Awards Program (AGIAP).

The award is named the “Major General Harold J. Greene Award for Innovation” in honor of the late Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene, who served in several leadership positions in Army research, science and technology fields before he was killed in Afghanistan in 2014.

The award annually recognizes new and innovative technologies and inventions, as well as techniques, procedures and methodologies developed by the Research and Development (R&D) and Science and Technology (S&T) communities and Soldiers in the field.

The rebranded AGIAP combines the Army’s Greatest Invention (AGI) and the Soldier’s Greatest Invention (SGI) awards programs that ran for 11 years. Past winners included programs that enhanced weapons, improved Soldier protection and upgraded fielded systems. Under the new program, the goal is to highlight all levels of innovation and their operational impacts. There will be a winner and runner-up awarded for each of three categories, to include: military individual, civilian individual and group.

AMC’s Commanding General Gen. Dennis L. Via described the award as recognizing “solutions that increase efficiencies, strengthen our position and ultimately save lives on the battlefield. We are proud to honor General Greene with a culture that fosters creative research and aims to empower, unburden and protect the nation’s warfighter.”

The AGIAP nomination submission window for Fiscal Year 2015 closes Dec. 15. Nominated innovations must have been first fielded, adopted and/or implemented during FY15. Soldiers, civilians and teams from across the Army are encouraged to participate. Additional nomination criteria and the submission packet can be found on the AGIAP website at Winners will be announced in February 2016.

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