By Mary Kate Aylward
Fort Belvoir, Va. (March 30, 2016) – The April – June issue of Army AL&T magazine is online now, and it’s two in one.
The April – June issue of Army AL&T magazine on sustainment is just the beginning. First up, experts from the acquisition, logistics and technology fields delve into sustainment: what it means and how to do it better. Then, flip the magazine over and find a different cover and a special 54-page section on Army acquisition’s role in the NATO mission in Afghanistan, with dispatches from workforce members working with NATO and the government of Afghanistan to reform the procurement process, and fund and supply Afghan defense forces in a transparent, repeatable way.
Among the award-winning content you’ll find in the magazine is “Partnering Up,” a look at the 82nd Airborne’s solid partnership with the 900th Contracting Battalion—which began months before deployment to Iraq, with contracting officers embedding in the 82nd Airborne’s division headquarters—as the two units deployed together to Operation Inherent Resolve, the military intervention against the Islamic State group.
Cloud computing: it’s coming. Not entirely sure what “the cloud” is? CIO/G-6 offers an accessible explanation of what cloud computing is and isn’t, and why it’s beneficial. Read more from the trail boss leading the Army’s transition in “Reaching for the Cloud.”
Find out why Cindy Sanborn, chief operating officer of CSX Corp., likes working on the railroad in “Sustainment on the Rails,” this issue’s critical thinking interview.
And on the flip side, in the special section you’ll learn about budget-building in a war-torn fledgling democracy, and the challenges of transferring security responsibilities to young defense institutions in which long-term planning is still a luxury. There’s enough nitty-gritty to delight even the wonkiest readers, along with striking insights from those still on the front lines as the fight winds down. Don’t miss the invaluable perspective of Maj. Gen. Daniel P. Hughes, deputy commanding general of Combined Security Transition Command – Afghanistan, who sums up the difficulties and the promise of “The Continuing Mission in Afghanistan.”
Finally, meet the Hon. Katrina McFarland, acting Army acquisition executive since being designated by President Obama on Feb. 1. She describes her priorities in her inaugural column on page 6: “People, Products, and Processes.”
Read the interactive e-magazine online visit the archives to download the PDF version. The app version is available on the Apple iOS App Store and on Google Play.
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