There are still a few days left to submit nominations to the Army Acquisition Executive’s (AAE) Excellence in Leadership Awards. The Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office is accepting nominations through Aug. 9. These awards recognize past performance of an individual or team who has clearly demonstrated exceptional mission accomplishment, selfless service to the United States, extraordinary and uncompromising professionalism, and true commitment to the personal and professional growth of others. Awards categories are:
- Acquisition Career Support Professional of the Year Award.
- Business Operations Professional of the Year Award.
Defense Export and Cooperation Professional & Journeyman of the Year Award.
- Test and Evaluation Professional of the Year Award.
- Test Organization of the Year Award.
- Engineering and Technical Management Professional of the Year Award.
- Digital Transformation Professional of the Year Award.
- Logistician of the Year Award.
- Product Management/Product Director Professional of the Year (O-5) Award.
- Project Management/Project Director Professional of the Year (O-6) Award.
- Product Management/Product Director Team of the Year (O-5) Award.
- Project Management/Project Director Team of the Year (O-6) Award.
- Contracting Professional of the Year Award.
- Contracting Unit/Team of the Year Award.
- Barbara C. Heald Deployed Contracting Civilian of the Year Award.
- Outstanding Grants or Agreements Professional of the Year Award.
- Innovation in Contracting Strategies Individual or Organization Award.
- Construction Services Professional of the Year.
For details and to submit a nomination, go to https://asc.army.mil/web/aae-awards.
The 11th annual Major General Harold J. “Harry” Greene Awards for Acquisition competition is underway. The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) is sponsoring the 2024 competition to encourage critical writing focused on Army acquisition challenges and successful efforts to overcome them. Maximum participation is encouraged, especially among members of the Department of Defense acquisition workforce, although the competition is open to everyone. Authors are required to select and write about U.S. Army acquisition from the following categories:
Acquisition Reform.
- Future Operations.
- Innovation.
- Lessons Learned.
Submissions—in one of the four categories—must address lessons learned, solutions for navigating the current environment, creativity in acquisition or discuss the way ahead, from an acquisition perspective, for maintaining readiness while building the Army of 2030 and beyond. All submissions should connect the acquisition process to the Soldier.
Submissions must be unclassified and cleared for public release/publication by the author’s organization. Submit entries to usarmy.pentagon.hqdaasa-alt.mbx.acq-writing-awards@army.mil with a copy to karen.d.kurtz2.civ@army.mil by midnight Sept. 30., along with a brief (not to exceed four lines) biographical statement about the author, including email address and telephone number. No editing or revision is permitted after submission.
The official call for submissions announcement, which includes competition details and requirements, can be found in a PDF document (named 2024 Writing Award Call for Submissions.pdf) located toward the bottom of this page.
In June, the Army DACM signed an updated Human Capital Strategic Plan (HCSP). This updated plan more intentionally aligns with Army policy to manage the talents of our Soldiers and civilians as we support Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) professionals who support larger Army efforts. While the overall strategy remains intact, the updates address changes in operational needs, strategic goals and approaches to reach those goals. Additionally, the HCSP has been updated to address accomplishments and ensure the plan evolves with the current operating environment. To learn more and to download a copy of the plan, visit the HCSP page at https://asc.army.mil/web/hcsp and right-click on the image (see below) located on the right side of the page.
On July 7, the Army DACM signed the updated Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) certification policy for the AAW. The policy provides guidance on recognizing successful completion of mandatory core standards (experience, education and training) and guidance on ensuring consistent certification request, decision and appeal processes across the Army acquisition community. To view and download the memo, go to https://asc.army.mil/web/document/defense-acquisition-workforce-improvement-act-certification-policy-for-the-army-acquisition-workforce.
Effective Oct. 1, the DAU training courses required for DOD contracting certification at the professional level will undergo structural adjustments for delivery over a shorter timeframe. There is little to no impact on course objectives, content or training hours. These adjustments were mainly made in response to two factors: 1) Senior leaders expressing a need for in-person contracting training and 2) Student, supervisor and faculty feedback regarding improving the balance between work and class schedules. Exact details about specific changes and courses involved can be viewed on https://www.dau.edu/blogs/exciting-changes-con-certification-courses-fy25.
On July 7, the Army DACM signed the AAW Standard Program Management Position Nomenclature Policy. Subject areas covered in this policy include definition, designation and hierarchy of acquisition program management positions (occupational series 0340). Also outlined in this policy are the Standard Program Management Position Nomenclature Chart for both military and civilians, specialty title modifications and standardization of Position Requirement Documents. To view and download the memo, go to https://asc.army.mil/web/document/army-acquisition-workforce-standard-program-management-position-nomenclature-policy.
For all AAW policies, visit the DACM Policy Library at https://asc.army.mil/web/alt-workforce-policy-procedure.
The DAU fiscal year 2025 quarter 1 and quarter 2 course schedule was released on July 18 and courses opened for registration. To view the classroom or virtual offerings available to your component, you must access your component’s registration system by selecting your affiliation through one of the DOD registration sites. You must be on a .mil domain and login with your Common Access Card (CAC) at https://www.atrrs.army.mil/Aitas/Public/Landing.
Have you recently joined the AAW? If so, a new self-paced online course titled “Welcome to the Army Acquisition Workforce” is your first step in understanding what the AAW is, what your requirements as an AAW professional are, guidance on managing your acquisition career and a peek at the exclusive opportunities available to you. This course should be completed within the first few months of joining the acquisition workforce as it offers a dynamic overview of:
- The Army Acquisition Workforce.
- Training and certification standards.
- Tools and resources.
- Career models.
- Development and leadership opportunities.
- Staying connected.
To access and begin taking the course, navigate to the Army Training Information System (ATIS) Learning home page at https://learn.atis.army.mil/moodle. (Chrome or Edge browsers are recommended.)
- Login to EAMS-A-Single Sign-On (CAC login).
- Click the CATALOG tab.
- Locate the Welcome to the Army Acquisition Workforce course in the list of Published courses, or enter the course name in the Search field, and click the search icon.
- Select the Register & Launch button, which will take you directly where you can launch the Learning Assignment(s) required for the course.
There is a downloadable resources guide included with the course. You are highly encouraged to download and save a copy of this resources guide for your records. Once you have closed the course topic, your completion will show up on your ATIS LEARNING MY CERTIFICATES page. Click the certificate File icon to view and download the course certificate of completion.
Need to earn more continuous learning points (CLPs) before the Sept. 30 deadline? With supervisor concurrence, you can earn up to 18 CLPs by attending DAU’s “Acquisition Insight Days: Defense Acquisition in Action – Lessons from the Field,” Aug. 27 – 29. Senior leaders and subject matter experts from the defense acquisition community will be sharing their success stories, experience, solutions and lessons learned. This three-day event will be held on the Teams Live platform. If you have any questions, send an email to ACQ.Insight@dau.edu or to events@dau.edu with “Acquisition Insight Days” in the subject line. For more details about the special guests, speakers, agenda and how to register, go to https://www.dau.edu/events/acquisition-insight-days-0. Look for the red “Register Now” button located in the upper left-hand corner of the page.
The fiscal year 2026 Centralized Selection List (CSL) Board has closed, and the Acquisition Leader Assessment Program (ALAP) invitees have been publicly announced! ALAP26, to be executed in October 2024, is a focused battery of interviews, screenings and assessments designed to determine an individual’s readiness for command, while identifying their underlying strengths and weaknesses in several behavioral domains. This helps ensure that the Army is making the most informed choices for its acquisition commands/key billets, while also providing opportunity for self-reflection and development. Over the next two months, we will begin the process of requesting feedback on these individuals using the Army Leader Assessment Tool (ALAT). This is where we need your assistance.
Peer and subordinate feedback are vital to an individual and selection board to help them truly understand their strengths and weaknesses as a workforce professional and as a leader. It helps identify strengths that future leaders should continue to leverage and build upon, as well as provide narratives that can further endorse an individual for these positions of higher responsibility. The feedback gathered during the ALAT window is consolidated and reviewed by the assessment facilitators and used to evaluate specific leader attributes and competencies demonstrated by an individual within recent history of their career.
Willing and honest participation in this process is essential, as this is the opportunity for participants to inform the Army’s selection of our future leaders. The ALAP Ops team uses extensive data to identify peers and subordinates to submit anonymous feedback on a candidate to ensure fairness and consistency, while obtaining honest feedback without concern for retribution. ALAP candidates cannot select survey participants themselves and cannot influence the direction of feedback submitted by those who choose to participate.
The survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete. Please be on the lookout for correspondence requesting you to complete this survey. Not everyone will receive one, but we are requesting full compliance from those who do.
For more information on ALAP, please refer to the following:
- ALAP Informational Video – https://www.dvidshub.net/video/858304/acquisition-leader-assessment-program.
- ALAP Webpage – Acquisition Leader Assessment Program (ALAP) (army.mil).
As an AAW member, rater or senior rater of an AAW member, you must ensure a senior rater Potential Evaluation (SRPE) is completed. The upcoming SRPE release date is Oct. 1, 2024. The SRPE is a talent management tool used to evaluate the potential of every civilian acquisition professional (at the GS-12 through GS-15 or broadband equivalent level). The intent is to assess future potential for positions of greater responsibility and centrally selected professional development opportunities.
One important step you can take to ensure a smooth SRPE experience is verifying that your Individual Development Plan (IDP) identifies the correct rating scheme. If your supervisor or rater information is incorrect or missing, notify the correct supervisor or rater to take corrective action within the IDP system by adding your name to their supervisor IDP profile. Access to all related tools, policies and SRPE guidance can be found at https://asc.army.mil/web/senior-rater-potential-evaluation.
Did you know that the current Continuous Learning Point (CLP) earning cycle ends on Sept. 30? The DOD policy on continuous learning requires each AAW member earn at least 80 CLPs during a two-year cycle, with the goal of completing 40 hours annually. The two-year cycle begins October 1 of the even-numbered year and runs through September 30 of the following even-numbered year (for example, the current cycle runs from Oct. 1, 2022, through Sept. 30, 2024).
Are you tracking? Tracking your CLPs is done through the automated IDP, found in your CAPPMIS account at https://apps.asc.army.mil/camp. The IDP is used to annotate courses and other activities that count toward this continuous learning requirement. Once logged into CAMP, navigate to the CAPPMIS tab in the upper left-hand side. In the drop-down, select IDP and your earned CLPs will display in the Status Overview section.
Short on time? Try DAU’s microlearning courses that can be completed within an hour or less. Go to https://www.dau.edu/news/target-your-acquisition-training-new-resources and refer to the courses listed toward the bottom of the page.
Not sure which courses to take? Training has been recommended by your acquisition functional area’s Army Acquisition Functional Leader (AAFL). To find these recommendations, visit our Functional Area page at https://asc.army.mil/web/dacm-office/functional-areas, click on your functional area, and then scroll down to the Continuous Learning section. Then, select the AAFL-Recommended memo document, which contains specific courses recommended by your AAFL.
As a professional member of the AAW, the Army DACM Office reminds us that the AAE sets specific standards of achievements, in order to comply with DAWIA statutory requirements. The FY24 AAW Standards memo addresses these expectations by addressing DAWIA certification, IDPs, CLPs, Annual Acquisition Ethics Training and SRPEs. Details can be viewed and downloaded at: https://asc.army.mil/web/document/fy24-army-acquisition-workforce-standards.
Speaking of standards, all AAW members must complete annual acquisition ethics training by September 30 of each year. This DACM memorandum provides more detailed information about fiscal year 2024 ethics training courses that meet the annual requirement.
Several options satisfying this mandatory ethics training requirement are completion of one of the following:
DAU online training course ACQ 0030 Overview of Acquisition Ethics, approximately 1 hour to complete. In this training professionals will make ethical choices when confronted with an ethical dilemma. To access training, go to https://www.dau.edu/courses/acq-0030.
Or you can watch DAU’s 16.5-minute video titled “Ethics and Leadership,” presented by Dr. Joanne Ciulla, former president of the Society for Business Ethics and The International Society for Business, Economics and Ethics. The ethics video can be found at https://media.dau.edu/media/Ethics+and+Leadership/0_1kc6s9ge/62925211.
“Army Office of General Counsel (OGC) Annual Ethics Training” is offered in-person for Army Secretariat personnel or online through ATIS, the Army Training Information System. Click on the “Army OGC Annual Ethics Training” tab at https://www.fdm.army.mil for instructions on how to access this training through ALMS. Go to https://learn.atis.army.mil/moodle, log in with your credentials, navigate to the CATALOG tab, and in the Search box, type in: ethics and press the magnifying glass. Select the search result titled Army Office of General Counsel Annual Ethics Training.