FORT BELVOIR, Va. (July 26, 2018)—The July issue of the DACM Newsletter is filled with the latest news and updated information about Army acquisition career development.
Knowing how to leverage the power of your peers is important. Acquisition professionals with over 100 years of test and evaluation experience give advice on how to leverage feedback from your peers for individual and organization effectiveness.
Have you been wondering about the difference between an acquisition career field and an Army career program? Here’s a chance to clear the air and raise awareness about additional training opportunities.
Congratulations to the 24 new graduates from the Defense Acquisition University Senior Service College Fellowship Program. These senior civilian acquisition professionals completed the program in May and will be moving on to the next phase of their careers in acquisition.
Scott Greene, chief of the leader development branch, details why the Civilian Education System is truly worth your time and effort. Find out about the variety of courses offered to civilians and how to get credit for those courses.
The Army Centralized Selection List (CSL) has been announced. Maj. Sheila Howell, DACM Office proponency officer, has gathered answers from a number of officers to give their perspective on CSL and how to prepare yourself for this responsibility.
Read the latest edition of the DACM Newsletter here.
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