By August 18, 2023Army ALT Magazine
LET FLY: An M1 Abrams crew member uses a remote control optical device that provides Soldiers with a first-person point of view as a Lethal Miniature Aerial Missile System (LMAMS) flies in April 2018 in Grafenwoehr, Germany. TAGM has provided Switchblade 300 and Switchblade 600 LMAMS to Ukraine. (Photo by Sgt. Gregory T. Summers, 22nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment)

LET FLY: An M1 Abrams crew member uses a remote control optical device that provides Soldiers with a first-person point of view as a Lethal Miniature Aerial Missile System (LMAMS) flies in April 2018 in Grafenwoehr, Germany. TAGM has provided Switchblade 300 and Switchblade 600 LMAMS to Ukraine. (Photo by Sgt. Gregory T. Summers, 22nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment)


Tactical Aviation and Ground Munitions Project Office programs aid efforts in Ukraine and provide capabilities to the U.S. warfighter.

by Beler H. Watts III, Mike Crossley and Ryan R. Wood

The Tactical Aviation and Ground Munitions (TAGM) Project Office is charged with the mission to develop, field and sustain air- and ground-launched weapon systems. These systems include the Hellfire missile; Joint Air-to-Ground Missile; guided and unguided rockets; associated launchers; the Tube-Launched, Optically Tracked, Wireless-Guided (TOW) weapon system; Javelin weapon systems; Lethal Miniature Aerial Missile Systems; Precision Fires Manager and Containerized Weapons System.

Along with its ongoing mission, TAGM provides support to Ukraine through a variety of security assistance programs. These being presidential drawdown authority, by which the president can authorize the immediate transfer of articles and services from U.S. stocks, and the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), which is a DOD-led program to increase Ukraine’s defensive capabilities through training, equipment and advisory initiatives. USAI also provides for logistics support, supplies and services; salaries and stipends; sustainment; weapons replacement and intelligence support.

The TAGM Project Office’s main effort in providing security assistance comes from the Javelin Product Office, the Rapid Capabilities Product Office and the TOW Weapon System Product Office. While providing support to the Ukraine effort, the TAGM Project Office continues to provide capabilities to the U.S. warfighter.

MANY WAYS TO BUY: An M1 Abrams crew member launches a Lethal Miniature Aerial Missile System for aerial support in April 2018 in Grafenwoehr, Germany. Switchblade 300s and 600s were provided to Ukraine via multiple methods of procurement. (Photo by Sgt. Gregory T. Summers, 22nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment)


The Javelin Product Office has supplied Ukraine the Javelin missile system in support of ongoing efforts. The Javelin Product Office has supported the delivery of Javelin missiles, command launch units and support equipment under multiple presidential drawdowns.

The Javelin is a man-portable, fire-and-forget, medium-range missile with enhanced situational awareness and precision direct-fire effects to defeat armored vehicles, fortifications and soft targets in full spectrum operations. The Javelin command launch unit is the reusable component of the Javelin. It is equipped with a day sight, night vision sight, and controls and indicators used during Javelin operation. The command launch unit also provides standalone all-weather and day and night surveillance capability.

While the Javelin Product Office continues to support current and future presidential drawdowns, the focus has shifted to the replenishment of U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps inventories of Javelin missiles and command launch units. The Javelin’s successful use in Ukraine has generated tremendous interest in the system from global allies and partner nations. Working closely with industry partners, efforts are underway to increase production capacity, to not only replenished assets committed to Ukraine faster, but to meet the increased domestic and international demand for the Javelin missile system.


The Rapid Capabilities Product Office is an element of TAGM Project Office, which specializes in rapid acquisition, delivery of urgent needs and prototype capability integration. For the past decade, this team has fielded required capabilities to the warfighter to mitigate capability gaps via joint urgent operational needs statements and other urgent requirements.

As part of the acquisition support for Ukraine, TAGM provided Switchblade 300 (SB300) and Switchblade 600 (SB600) lethal miniature aerial missile system munitions, as well as support equipment. Switchblade is a single-use, man-portable ground-launched direct-fire missile, capable of night and day operations, providing the operator the ability to abort the engagement, therefore minimizing collateral damage and civilian casualties.

SB300s were provided via multiple methods of procurement. The first method of procurement was part of the presidential drawdowns, where the Rapid Capability Product Office leveraged existing stock, as well as assets straight from the active production line. Coordinating across multiple commands, the systems were collected, inventoried and tested to ensure functionality. Working with industry and Army Contracting Command, the team was able to shift shipping destinations for systems coming off the production line to deliver them in support of Ukraine. The second method of procurement used by the Rapid Capability Product Office was a Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative. Collaborating with the TAGM International Directorate, the Security Assistance Management Directorate, U.S. Army Security Assistance Command and the Defense Cooperation Security Agency, the team was able to get the case implemented and awarded on contract in a short amount of time. All the systems were delivered by the second quarter of 2023.

The Rapid Capabilities Product Office also used the USAI case to procure and field SB600 systems and support equipment. This was unique, as TAGM had not previously purchased SB600 on its existing contracts. The Army Contracting Command ‒ Redstone Arsenal was instrumental in ensuring that the contract was modified accordingly to allow the procurement of these critical munitions for Ukraine. The team continues to support multiple combatant commands worldwide, while maintaining a posture to provide the warfighter with critical capability on short notice.


The TOW Weapon System Product Office has supported multiple presidential drawdowns by providing materiel, transportation and documentation in support of ongoing efforts to furnish Ukraine with modern weapon systems. The U.S. Army has shipped TOW missiles for use on separately provided Humvees and Bradley Fighting Vehicles. The Tube-Launched, Optically Tracked, Wireless-Guided missile is a heavy precision assault missile optimized for performance against main battle tanks and is also effective against buildings and field fortifications. Additionally, the TOW Product Office, as the office responsible for the Improved Bradley Acquisition System, has supported the efforts of Project Manager Medium Armored Vehicles to provide M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicles to Ukraine. The TOW Product Office will continue to support efforts to provide superior, mounted, long-range, heavy assault and anti-tank close combat missile systems as directed.


The Tactical Aviation and Ground Munitions Project Office remains dedicated to U.S. Soldiers by developing, fielding and sustaining versatile air- and ground-launched weapon systems that provide a decisive advantage in joint and multidomain operations. TAGM uses innovative technologies and continuous modernization efforts to enable Soldiers to effectively and efficiently execute their mission. TAGM continues to work to maximize readiness and harness innovative and affordable future capabilities.



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BELER H. WATTS III is the product lead for the Rapid Capabilities Team. He holds an MBA and a B.A. in business management, both from Columbia College. He holds the DAWIA Advanced certification in program management and logistics.

MIKE CROSSLEY is the deputy product director of the TOW Weapon System. He holds an MBA in acquisition and contract management from the Florida Institute of Technology. He holds the DAWIA Advanced certification in program management.

RYAN R. WOOD is the program officer for the Javelin Product Office. He holds a Master of Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College and a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Michigan State University. He holds the DAWIA Advanced certification in program management.

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