June 2016 Hot Topics

By June 7, 2016May 24th, 2024DACM Office Hot Topics
Hot Topics



The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology and the Army Director for Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office in the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center continue to develop and coordinate an Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) Human Capital Strategic Plan (HCSP). On May 9, during the State of the Army Acquisition Workforce GO/SES Forum, Lt. Gen. Michael Williamson discussed how the HCSP effort helps us prepare and sustain our acquisition professionals for job and mission success. A conference planned for July 28, with stakeholders and experts from across acquisition career fields and organizations, will help us finalize the HCSP and its supporting action plan—our guide for a systematic and collaborative process for recruiting, developing and retaining a highly skilled, engaged AAW over the next five years.

In accordance with Army DACM Memorandum, Senior Rater Potential Evaluation (SRPE) Policy – Expansion of Acquisition Workforce Employees, dated July 10, 2015, all current and civilian AAW members at GS-12 and higher as well as broadband equivalents will be required to receive an SRPE annually. This mandate is being phased in according to the following schedule:

  • October 2015—Phase 1: GS-14s (and broadband equivalents)
  • October 2016—Phase 2: Phase 1 plus GS-13s (and broadband equivalents)
  • October 2017—Phase 3: Phase 2 plus GS-12s (and broadband equivalents)
  • October 2018 —Phase 4: Phase 3 plus GS-15s (and broadband equivalents)

Please note that this mandate also applies to all bargaining unit employees in the North Central, South Central, South West (except Fort Carson) and West (except Walla Walla) Regions. Local bargaining unit obligations remain in the Northeast Region, as well as in the Fort Carson Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) and the Walla Walla CPAC.


Open now:

Coming soon:


The FY17 DAU course schedule is now available for student registration in ATRRS AITAS. Below are changes to existing and new courses available in FY17. Click on the course name to view details of each course and valid predecessor courses.

BCF 131 (formerly BCF 107)—Applied Cost Analysis

EVM 202 (formerly EVM 201)—Intermediate Earned Value Management

SBP 101 (predecessors: CON 260A and CON 260B)—Introduction to Small Business Programs, Part A

SBP 102 (new, no predecessor course)—Introduction to Small Business Programs, Part B

SBP 202 (new, no predecessor course)—Intermediate Small Business Programs, Part B

SBP 210 (new, no predecessor course)—Subcontracting

SBP 301 (new, no predecessor course)—Small Business for Decision Makers

BCF 250 (new course; no webpage available at this time)—Applied Software Cost Estimating. Required for Level II business – cost estimating certification in FY18. DAU will conduct a student pilot and offer courses later in FY17.