Fort Belvoir, Va. (April 30, 2018)—The April issue of the DACM Newsletter, posted today, is filled with the latest news and updated information about Army acquisition career development.
Preparing for a central selection board is an important step in the career of any acquisition professional, and the senior rater potential evaluation (SRPE) is a key component in detailing a candidate’s accomplishments. A CSL board insider spells out what makes a solid SRPE—what it should have as well as what to steer clear of.
Maj. Sheila Howell, DACM Office proponency officer, details the Military Acquisition Position List (MAPL) process, including its role at the intersection of force readiness, resource alignment and Army priorities, and explains why it’s important for Army acquisition officers to take part in the process.
Applying for that next position? Take a couple of minutes to read the latest column from Leader Development Branch Chief Scott Greene. He spells out the three things you need to know before you make that leap.
DAU training isn’t just a good idea for boosting one’s career—it’s a requirement. Wen Lin and Susan Clark explain how DAU’s priority ranking system works, and walks you through the steps for applying for classes for FY19.
Lastly, the newsletter features brief bios of new AAW leadership. And links throughout take readers to a range of sites designed to keep you informed of the issues affecting the AAW overall as well as your specific career path. It’s a must read—and a quick one.
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