Latest issue of DACM Newsletter now available

By July 13, 2016April 13th, 2021Career Development, DACM News

By Sue Follett

FORT BELVOIR, Va.—Find the best resource for current career opportunities, upcoming program announcements and Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) in the July issue of the DACM Newsletter, now available on the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center DACM Newsletter (USAASC) website.

Among the news in this month’s issue is an update on the AAW’s progress toward the statutory mandate of earning 80 continuous learning points over a two-year period that ends in September. (Spoiler alert: Compliance is at an impressive 98 percent.) The July issue also spells out the latest on the Human Capital Strategic Plan and reviews the nuts and bolts of the Competitive Development Group/Army Acquisition Fellowship program—now in its 17th year. The newsletter also profiles recent graduations from the Defense Acquisition University Senior Service College Fellowship, a rigorous 10-month program that prepares senior-level civilians for key acquisition leadership roles. Lastly, be sure to review the program announcements, policy updates and upcoming boards detailed on Page 4.

Written and designed to give readers the news they need in just a few quick clicks or left swipes, the newsletter also contains links to the USAASC’s social media platforms—one more way to access vital information for keeping your career development on track.