By Susan L. Follett
It has been a busy couple of months for the Army Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office—some key personnel departed, a new principal military deputy came onboard, a couple of key pilot programs got underway, and the project and product director slates for FY17 were announced.
The May DACM Newsletter provides you with all the details behind these and other key acquisition career developments, in a format that’s easy to read and filled with links to sites where you can get more information.
Here’s a little of what you’ll find:
- Shannon Potter and Wen Lin offer some tips on learning to love the SRPE. Yes, it’s possible.
- Before he left his post as Army DACM, Lt. Gen. Williamson took a look back at his career and detailed the acquisition accomplishments he’s proudest of. See Page 1.
- Williamson’s replacement is Lt. Gen Paul A. Ostrowski. Read his bio for more about how he got to where he is now.
- Two dozen acquisition professionals will be taking part in the next cohort of the DAU SSCF, and 15 have been slated for new project and product director positions. Find out who’s going where.
- Development continues on the HCSP. We outline the latest steps.
The next few months promise to be just as busy as the previous ones, so the newsletter also contains links to the sites that will keep you current on what you need to know until we finish up the next issue. Be sure to bookmark and share with colleagues.
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