The U.S. Army has selected Dr. Donald Reago Jr. to serve as acting director of its Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army CERDEC)
Reago, who was selected for the Senior Executive Service in May 2014, previously served as the director of the CERDEC Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
In his previous capacity as NVESD director, Reago was responsible for planning and executing the Army’s science and technology investments in Electro-Optical/Infrared and Countermine/Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices sensors and signal processing. The technical scope of his mission was comprised of in-house research, contract research and development, and support to various Program Executive Offices and Program Managers across the Army and Joint Service acquisition communities.
Reago is an internationally recognized authority in Night Vision, Countermine and Sensor technologies, and has served on numerous joint, national, and international coordinating activities. He is currently the chairman of the Office of Secretary of Defense Sensors Community of Interest, and the Army representative to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, Sensors and Electronics Technology panel.
He is also an Executive Committee Member and Fellow of the military Sensing Symposium and has co-authored the book “Analysis and Evaluation of Sampled Imaging Systems,” published in 2010 by the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
A graduate of the University of Missouri-Rolla in Rolla, Missouri, with a doctorate and Bachelor of Science in Physics, Reago has worked in the field of Night Vision for the Army at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, since 1987. He also holds Army Acquisition Corps Level III Certifications in Systems Engineering and Program Management and a Level II Certification in Programs Systems Engineering.
His detail as acting director, which began April 1, is slated to last no more than 120 days. During this time, Dr. Michael J. Grove will serve as the acting director for CERDEC NVESD.
The Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center is part of the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command, which has the mission to provide innovative research, development and engineering to produce capabilities for decisive overmatch to the Army against the complexities of the current and future operating environments in support of the Joint Warfighter and the Nation. RDECOM is a major subordinate command of the U.S. Army Material Command.
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