FORT BELVOIR, Va. (March 22, 2019) Slating has been announced for the 10 members of the Army Acquisition Workforce who were selected last month as product and project directors for FY19 and FY20 by the Centralized Selection Board.
The board convened in October 2018 at Fort Knox, Kentucky, to identify high-performing civilians with leadership potential to fill civilian product director positions commensurate with their military counterparts. It is is a high-priority talent management initiative championed by the director of the Army Acquisition Corps.
The complete slate is below. For more information about the Product Director Centralized Selection Board, go to https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/prod-dir/.
FY19 Product Director Slate
Robert Domitrovich: Program Executive Office (PEO) for Aviation, Product Director for Apache Sensors, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama
Raymond Folden: PEO for Ground Combat Systems (GCS), Product Director for Combat Recovery Systems, Warren, Michigan
Diane McCarthy: PEO for Combat Support and Combat Service Support (CS&CSS), Product Director for Small Expeditionary Power Systems, Fort Belvoir, Virginia
Michael Sawyers: PEO CS&CSS, Product Director for Test, Measurements and Diagnostic Equipment, Redstone Arsenal
Elanor Winchester: PEO for Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), Product Director for General Fund Enterprise Business System – Sensitive Activities, Fort Belvoir
Chad Young: Joint PEO for Armaments and Ammunition, Product Director for Demilitarization, Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey
FY19 Project Director Slate
Craig Besaw: PEO for Missiles and Space, Project Director for Counter-Rocket, Artillery and Mortar, Redstone Arsenal
Lee James: PEO EIS, Project Director for Enterprise Services, Fort Belvoir
FY20 Project Director Slate
Patrick Layden: PEO for Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors, Project Director for Sensor-Aerial Intelligence, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
Brian Raftery: PEO for Soldier, Project Director for Rapid Equipping Force, Fort Belvoir
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