By Army AL&T News
Acquisition starts here, with the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center and its mission to build the workforce and support the Soldier. Our oversight of the Army Acquisition Workforce and our support of the program executive offices through resource management and force structure start with our commitment to acquisition excellence and innovation, and that commitment builds readiness and equips Soldiers for success.
Our recently redesigned website reflects our commitment to that foundation, with a landing page that features the latest acquisition news, career development information and comprehensive weapon systems data.
Think of the new home page as a timeline of sorts: At the top is the latest news from Army AL&T and the Army AL&T news blog, which details what’s working and what needs fixing in Army acquisition. Next come career development opportunities from the office of the Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) to move your career forward—now split into separate pages for officers, noncommissioned officers (NCOs) and civilians, so you no longer have to spend time wading through information that doesn’t pertain to you. And after that comes the weapon systems data that PEOs, program managers and other acquisition stakeholders rely on.
More good news: Most of your bookmarks will still work, and the new site comes with a robust search function to help you find content you haven’t bookmarked yet. Click on the magnifying glass under the Army star and type search terms into the bar that pops up. The search function only searches for items within the site—no more links to other websites.
Print or share any page as a PDF or email it to colleagues. You can also highlight and delete text, so you’re saving only what you need.
Have you ever wondered who’s in the Army Acquisition Workforce? How many of you are out there? What kind of work each group does? Wonder no more: We created the About the Army Acquisition Workforce page to answer questions like those. It’s accessible from the civilian, officer, NCO and the main page for the DACM You can also get to it by clicking on the Menu icon, the three stacked lines next to the magnifying glass, and looking under the About header.
These are just the most important new features in the redesigned website—spend a few minutes looking around and you’re sure to find more.
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