By Susan L. Follett
FORT BELVOIR, Va. (May 20, 2019)—We all know how amazing the Army Acquisition Workforce is—the Awards for Excellence in Acquisition given by the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)) are your opportunity to demonstrate that it’s the best across all of DOD.
Nominations are being accepted for four awards across a broad swath of career fields:
- The Defense Acquisition Workforce Individual Achievement Award recognizes excellence by members of the Defense Acquisition Workforce in 18 functional categories. This year’s award features a new category: International Partnership.
- The Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Innovation Award recognizes acquisition organizations that have demonstrated exceptional innovation in tackling workforce development challenges.
- The David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award recognizes DOD civilian and military teams that have demonstrated innovation and technical excellence in acquisition to achieve more cost-effective acquisition outcomes for the warfighter and the taxpayer.
- The Flexibility in Contracting Award recognizes outstanding military and civilian professionals who have demonstrated innovation and adaptation in their use of the flexibilities and authorities granted by the Federal Acquisition Regulation and DOD Instruction 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System.
We know there are teams and individuals doing great things on behalf of the Defense Acquisition Workforce and the warfighter, and nominating them for one of these awards goes far in getting them the recognition they deserve for their work.
Nominations are due by June 14. The Army Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office, within the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center, is the official collection point for Army nominations. The DACM Office will coordinate nomination packages for approval by the Army acquisition executive and endorsement to the Office of the USD(A&S).
As you put your nomination packages together, please keep in mind the following:
- Nominees must be designated and certified in the acquisition career field and path in which they are nominated.
- If you are submitting a nomination for the Workforce Development Innovation Award, remember that all individuals on a nominated team must be certified in the acquisition career field designated for their position. Up to five team members should be listed on the nomination form.
- You can find more tips on submitting a winning nomination in Army AL&T magazine at https://asc.army.mil/web/news-alt-jfm17-and-the-award-goes-to/.
Detailed nomination information and submission instructions can be found at //asc.army.mil/web/acquisition-awards/. Winners will be honored at a ceremony at the Pentagon that is tentatively slated for late fall.
If you have any questions, contact Vicky DeGuzman, award coordinator, at 703-664-5691 or at victoria.l.deguzman.civ@mail.mil.
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