FORT BELVOIR, Va. (August 4, 2020)—Lt. Gen. Bob Marion, the principal military deputy to the assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology, announced the start of the 2020 Maj. Gen. Harold J. “Harry” Greene Awards for Acquisition Writing competition. This annual challenge invites individuals to write about their insights, experiences and ideas in Army acquisition.
“It is important that members of the acquisition workforce, as well as any interested individual, have this opportunity to drive the dialogue about meeting and overcoming challenges in delivering capabilities to warfighters,” Marion said. He encouraged maximum participation across the Army and DOD acquisition communities. “This writing competition gives prospective authors a platform to write about their experiences, share their ideas and communicate with both internal and external stakeholders about ways to continually improve the acquisition process and obtain better outcomes.”
The competition is intended to promote dialogue on the importance of acquisition in delivering capabilities to service members. All are welcome to participate, especially members of the defense acquisition workforce. “We need to think and write critically about acquisition—its past, present and future,” Marion said, “and this is the perfect venue.”
Prospective authors may submit articles, opinion pieces or essays from 500 words to 1,800 words in length, in one of four categories: acquisition reform, future operations, innovation or lessons learned. A distinguished panel of judges will evaluate and select the top entries. The winners and honorable mention selectees each year are published in a supplement accompanying the spring edition of Army AL&T magazine. They are also recognized at the U.S. Army Acquisition Executive’s Excellence in Leadership Awards ceremony held in Washington, D.C., at a date to be determined.
Submissions must be unclassified, original and not previously published or submitted to a writing competition. Four award winners will be selected, one in each category, with four additional works selected for honorable mention. All entries must be submitted by email no later than midnight Sept. 30, 2020. Additional information about the competition is at www.army.mil/asaalt, including the call for submissions.
The annual acquisition writing competition is named for Maj. Gen. Greene, the deputy commanding general of the Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan, who was killed on Aug. 5, 2014, while making a visit to Marshal Fahim National Defense University in Kabul, Afghanistan. “Through these awards, we honor Harry’s 34 years of distinguished service to our Army and the nation, remember his significant contributions to Army acquisition, and pay tribute to his ultimate sacrifice.” Marion said.
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