For more than a year, the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency (USAMMA) has deployed a biomedical equipment specialist in support of the Responsible Reset Task Force (R2TF). Led by the U.S. Army Materiel Command, R2TF is staffed with 25 to 30 individuals from throughout the Materiel Enterprise. SGT Harland Wells, located at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, was part of the team responsible for R2TF’s four main mission goals: property accountability, timely disposition, triage formation, and total asset visibility.
[raw][image align=”left” caption=”SGT Harland Wells, a USAMMA biomedical equipment specialist, was part of the R2TF refitting team at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. (U.S. Army photo.)” linkto=”/web/wp-content/uploads/TPERet1-compressed.jpg” linktype=”image”]”/web/wp-content/uploads/TPERet1-compressed.jpg” height=”167″width=”246″[/image][/raw]
Wells accomplished this mission by bringing the equipment to record, assessing condition, assigning the condition code, and then requesting disposition instructions for shipping. As a biomedical equipment specialist, Wells meticulously inspected and sorted through hundreds of medical equipment items to identify equipment suitable for refurbishment and reintegration into Army inventory.
R2TF’s first priority is to validate the condition of equipment to be redistributed throughout the theater, to include continued use in Iraq or transfer to medical units in Afghanistan. The second priority is to identify the Army’s future equipment requirements. Items ultimately are shipped to USAMMA to be repaired, refurbished, reset, and reissued to units. Equipment not meeting these priorities will be donated to authorized humanitarian aid programs or disposed of in accordance with Defense reutilization regulations.
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- From USAMMA Public Affairs