READY FOR BLITZ: HIVE unmanned aircraft systems prepare to take flight during Project Convergence – Capstone 4 at Fort Irwin, California, in March 2024. Small UAS weigh less than 1,320…
READY FOR BLITZ: HIVE unmanned aircraft systems prepare to take flight during Project Convergence – Capstone 4 at Fort Irwin, California, in March 2024. Small UAS weigh less than 1,320…
CANNON UPGRADES: Previously, cannon and propulsion technologies have mostly been upgraded and developed on separate development paths leveraging prior legacy designs. PD TAS has initiated a project to develop a…
TAKE AIM: A sniper rifle atop a recycled textile sorbent mat during a demonstration of the DOD STED program at Fort Moore, Georgia. (Photo by George Handy) Utilizing…