COMMAND/ORGANIZATION: Javelin Missile System Product Office, Tactical Aviation and Ground Munitions Project Office, Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space TITLE: Javelin chief engineer YEARS OF SERVICE IN…
COMMAND/ORGANIZATION: Javelin Missile System Product Office, Tactical Aviation and Ground Munitions Project Office, Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space TITLE: Javelin chief engineer YEARS OF SERVICE IN…
COMMAND/ORGANIZATION: Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space, Tactical Aviation and Ground Munitions Project Office TITLE: Finance branch chief YEARS OF SERVICE IN WORKFORCE: 12 years AAW/DAWIA CERTIFICATIONS:…
COMMAND/ORGANIZATION: Joint Program Executive Office for Armaments and Ammunition, Combat Capabilities Development Command Armaments Center TITLE: Budget and pricing system lead ACQUISITION CAREER FIELD: Business-financial management, program management…
COMMAND/ORGANIZATION: Joint Program Executive Office for Armaments and Ammunition, Project Manager Close Combat Systems TITLE: Business management specialist ACQUISITION CAREER FIELD: Business management specialist, contracting YEARS OF SERVICE…
POSITION AND UNIT: Management analyst, Workforce Development Branch, Enterprise Resources Division, Army Contracting Command – Aberdeen Proving Ground YEARS OF SERVICE IN WORKFORCE: 3 DAWIA CERTIFICATIONS: Level I in contracting…
POSITION AND UNIT: Chief of Platform Integration, Program Executive Office for Combat Support and Combat Service Support YEARS OF SERVICE IN WORKFORCE: 8 YEARS OF MILITARY SERVICE: 18 DAWIA CERTIFICATIONS:…
POSITION AND UNIT: Operations officer, Project Manager Combat Ammunition Systems, Program Executive Office for Ammunition YEARS OF SERVICE IN WORKFORCE: 5 DAWIA CERTIFICATIONS: Level II, program management; Level I, business…
POSITION AND UNIT: Contracting Officer/Team leader, Army Contracting Command – Aberdeen Proving Ground YEARS OF SERVICE IN WORKFORCE: 13 DAWIA CERTIFICATIONS:Level III in contracting; Level I in program management EDUCATION:…
Position and Unit: Product Director, Army Human Resource Systems, Program Executive Office Enterprise Information Systems Total Years of Service: 15 Awards: Commander’s Award for Civilian Service (2); Achievement Medal for…
POSITION AND UNIT: Aerospace Engineer, Concept Design and Assessment Tech Area, Aviation Development Directorate, Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center YEARS OF SERVICE: 5 (2 in Army acquisition;…
POSITION: Contracting Officer UNIT: 918th Contracting Battalion, Mission and Installation Contracting Command–Fort Carson TOTAL YEARS OF SERVICE: 32 (21 active duty and 11 civilian) AWARDS: Achievement Medal for Civilian Service;…
POSITION: GPC Agency/Organization Program Coordinator UNIT: ACC-APG/Tenant Contracting Division TOTAL YEARS OF ARMY SERVICE: 26 (20 years on active duty, 6 years as a civilian) AWARDS: Commander’s Award for Civilian…
POSITION: Pentagon Liaison, Program Executive Office for Ammunition TOTAL YEARS OF SERVICE: 31 (3 years in the Marine Corps; 28 years as an Army civilian) AWARDS: Army Meritorious Civilian Service Award, Army Commander’s…
POSITION: Deputy Director, Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground. UNIT: Army Contracting Command TOTAL YEARS OF ARMY SERVICE: 29 AWARDS: Superior Civilian Service Award; Commander’s Award for Civilian Service; Army…
POSITION: Civilian Deputy Director UNIT: Army Contracting Command-Rock Island TOTAL YEARS OF ARMY SERVICE: 30 AWARDS: Commander’s Award for Civilian Service; Superior Civilian Service Award (2); Secretary of the Army…
POSITION: Contracting Officer/Team Lead UNIT: Mission and Installation Contracting Command–Fort Bliss/919th Contingency Contracting Battalion TOTAL YEARS OF ARMY SERVICE: 9 AWARDS: Commander’s Award for Civilian Service EDUCATION: MBA and B.A….
POSITION: Supervisory Contract Specialist/Director UNIT: Mission and Installation Contracting Command TOTAL YEARS OF ARMY SERVICE: 36 AWARDS: Secretary of the Army Excellence in Contracting AbilityOne Award (2); Commander’s Award for…
POSITION: Contingency Contracting Officer UNIT: Mission and Installation Contracting Command, 900th Contingency Contracting Battalion, 419th Contracting Support Brigade TOTAL YEARS OF ARMY SERVICE: 22 AWARDS: Meritorious Service Medal (4); Joint…
POSITION: Branch Chief, Contract Pricing UNIT: Army Contracting Command TOTAL YEARS OF ARMY SERVICE: 5 AWARDS: DA Achievement Medal for Civilian Service EDUCATION: J.D., University of Baltimore; B.S. in business…
POSITION: Battalion Sergeant Major UNIT: 922nd Contingency Contracting Battalion TOTAL YEARS OF ARMY SERVICE: 18 years AWARDS: Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal (2 Oak Leaf Clusters), Army Commendation Medal (2…
TITLE: Contracting Officer UNIT: Army Contracting Command TOTAL YEARS OF ARMY SERVICE: 9 AWARDS: Official Commendation, Department of the Army (2); Commander’s Award for Civilian Service; Star Note, Program Executive…
POSITION: Chief, Training and Readiness, G-3 UNIT: Mission and Installation Contracting Command TOTAL YEARS OF ARMY SERVICE: 16 AWARDS: Air Force Women-Owned Small Business Outreach Excellence Award; Randolph Air Force…
POSITION: Chief, Southern Regional Contracting Office UNIT: Healthcare Acquisition Activity, MEDCOM TOTAL YEARS OF ARMY SERVICE: 23 AWARDS: Bronze Star (2), Meritorious Service Medal (3), Army Commendation Medal (6), Army…
POSITION: Director, Utility Helicopter Contracts UNIT: U.S. Army Contracting Command TOTAL YEARS OF ARMY SERVICE: 25 AWARDS: Superior Civilian Service Award, 2013; Secretary of the Army, Excellence in Contracting, Team…
POSITION: Contracting Officer UNIT: Southern Regional Contracting Office, Brooke Army Medical Center TOTAL YEARS OF SERVICE: 16 years, Army; 10 years, Air Force EDUCATION: B.B.A in finance, University of Texas…
POSITION: Chief, UAS Operations, Unmanned Aircraft Systems Project Office UNIT: Program Executive Office (PEO) Aviation, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. TOTAL YEARS OF SERVICE: 22 years. AWARDS: Department of the Army Commanders…
POSITION: Chief Systems Engineer, Systems Engineering and Technical Integration Division UNIT: Program Manager Maneuver Ammunition Systems, Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey TOTAL YEARS OF SERVICE: 29 years AWARDS: Commander’s Award for…
POSITION: Training With Industry Fellow COMPANY: Cisco Systems, Inc., Herndon, Virginia TOTAL YEARS OF SERVICE: 23 AWARDS: (2) Bronze Star Medals EDUCATION: MBA and M. Ed. Troy University, Troy, Alabama;…
Faces of the Force: Lt. Col. Mark Talbot POSITION: Product Manager, Indirect Fire Protection Capability, Increment 2-Intercept UNIT: Cruise Missile Defense Systems Project Office, Program Executive Office Missiles and…
Faces of the Force: Daniel Woolley POSITION: Chief Architect, Project Manager Mission Command UNIT: Program Executive Office for Command, Control and Communications-Tactical, Aberdeen, Maryland TOTAL YEARS OF SERVICE:…
Soldier uses radio frequency technology to track Army shipments worldwide By Teresa Mikulsky Purcell FOTF: What do you do in the Army? LEONARD: I recently returned from Afghanistan,…