Transportability engineering is vital in an accelerated acquisition process. by Michael Bartosiak Efficient and rapid deployment of the Army is crucial to the National Defense Strategy. The DOD acquisition community…
Transportability engineering is vital in an accelerated acquisition process. by Michael Bartosiak Efficient and rapid deployment of the Army is crucial to the National Defense Strategy. The DOD acquisition community…
By Steve Stark FORT BELVOIR, Va. — Herculean, monumental, massive, unprecedented — all of these words have been used to describe the undertaking we know as R4D, and the…
Mark Diamond SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill – When the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Training Symposium and Traffic Management Workshop were cancelled this year, a vital link…
Mitch Chandran For DOD shippers who need to move specialized and large-volume cargo domestically, the Special Requirements Branch (SRB) of Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) is a one-stop…
Mitch Chandran With budgetary uncertainty looming, the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command’s (SDDC’s) Quality Assurance Branch is focusing its efforts now to advance its processes and gain efficiencies. The…