The Affordable and Integrated Army Equipment Modernization White Paper describes how the Army will provide relevant capabilities for today’s operations and develop capabilities for the future at best value, given available resources.
[raw][image align=”right” caption=”The Army has an obligation to its Soldiers to provide the most effective, high-quality equipment in the most sustainable, cost-effective manner possible. Here, Soldiers with 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment pull security after entering a mock village during a three-week exercise at Yakima Training Center, WA. (U.S. Army photo by SGT Christopher M. Gaylord, 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment.)” linkto=”/web/wp-content/uploads/5765137084_cdfde278aa_o-compressed.jpg” linktype=”image”]”/web/wp-content/uploads/5765137084_cdfde278aa_o-compressed.jpg” height=”167″width=”246″[/image][/raw]As an end state, the Army must develop, field, and sustain the right equipment in an incremental and iterative manner to ensure that Soldiers and units have the capabilities they need to achieve success across the full range of military operations today and into the future.
The Army must change the way it develops and delivers capabilities. This change in approach is necessary to provide the flexibility needed in a rapidly changing operational environment, by embracing ideas that will inform both rapid and deliberate acquisition equipping processes. Key to this effort are clearly defining gaps, validating requirements, disciplining requirements growth, establishing a clear priority of needs, routinely reassessing the value of systems in development and in the field, and taking advantage of technological advances, as well as emerging solutions.
The White Paper embraces the Army Force Generation equipping, incremental equipment modernization, and integrated portfolios to develop, field, and sustain the right equipment, thereby ensuring that Soldiers and units have the capabilities they need. Specifically, the Army will:
- Assess. Weigh current and proposed programs vigorously against key national and defense strategies and conduct these assessments on a predictable, defined schedule.
- Align. Look at ways to fuse and align the modernization community, prevent stovepipes, and ensure integration across the requirements, acquisition, and resourcing communities.
- Innovate. Develop and employ new and innovative ways to equip the Army while saving resources in some areas to allow investments in others.
The Army has an obligation to provide Soldiers with the most effective, high-quality equipment in the most sustainable, cost-effective manner possible. The goal of Army Equipment Modernization is to develop and field a versatile and affordable mix of equipment that will enable Soldiers to succeed in full-spectrum operations today and tomorrow, ensuring that we maintain a decisive advantage over any enemy we face.
For the full White Paper, go to https://www.g8.army.mil.